Sandra Ravel

An Italian industrialist who has made a fortune in America returns to Italy planning to make a film about a beautiful woman who smiled at him before he left his home country years before.


Italian film by Guido Brignone.

A young woman accidentally becomes a movie star.


A Harvard football star disobeys his upper class parents and runs off with his true love.


A lady-bootlegger does her 90 days in jail, gets released and becomes the secretary for a prominent millionaire. The magnate falls madly in love with his new secretary and they marry. Unfortunately, she has not revealed her shady past to him, and when friends from her smuggling days suddenly show up as employees, mayhem ensues.

Untrained, volunteer Nurses from America treat Allied soldiers behind and on the lines in France. They face the horrors of war, fight off the attentions of soldiers and face their own loneliness.


An addled Englishman's efforts to save three young women from eviction land them all in jail and leads to other adventures and mischief.
