Sanjay Gurbaxani

Set in Delhi/UP/Haryana, SHUKRANU is a comic take on the darkest phases of Indian democracy through the encounters of a would-be groom who is forcefully sterilized just days before his much-awaited marriage.


What would you do if you were locked in a room with a bunch of people every Saturday? On nights when the Wi-Fi was slow, they used their imagination to survive. A bunch of millennial's created a self proclaimed club called the INSIDERS.


When a rowdy Shiva’s world collides with that of a demure Aastha’s, whose family has just moved into the chawl he resides in, sparks fly between them. But given their completely different backgrounds, is there any scope for their romance to bloom and survive?


Rohini’s Bua, Lovely is driving her own blood pressure up while looking for a match for her almost-a-marriageable-age daughter, Dolly.

When a capable dancer is provoked by the evil design of his employer, naturally he will be out to prove his mettle.


In his bid to quickly boost his career, a man alienates himself from his family, friends, and true love.
