Sankar Debnath

Today's shortcut to success.

The film connects apparently disconnected stories of two men who have lost their way of life as a consequence of unexpected lockout or closure of factory.


Kelo, an autorickshaw driver, always dreamed of becoming an actor. His childhood friend and confidant, Choomki, believes in him and helps him chase his dream.

Tapu , young boy of 10-11 years is born with a knack for seeing, believing and perceiving things unlike many and has the potential to depict them through his creativity. When lost in his own world, he is often oblivious to what the present demands from him. Raja, his close friend shares Tapu's interests but not with the same intensity. Raja's father disapproves of Raja and Tapu's friendship and decides to send his son to a town school for better education. Shantu, a so called mentally challenged person, gradually starts to share a special bond with Tapu after Raja leaves. Raja, on the other hand, feels crippled and isolated in his new surrounding and his growing impatience forces his father to bring him back home. As fate would have it, their friendship soars high and gets set to touch a new horizon.

It starts out over a song and ends up where no one could have expected. A thirteen year-old Indian girl has her first real confrontation with authority when her father forbids her to play the Western dance music she loves. When she decides to take revenge, the situation escalates to become a neighborhood scandal. A dark comedy about parental authority, teenage rebellion, curry, whiskey, and house music.
