Sara Abdulrahman

Egyptian Short Film

Egyptian Miniseries

The series revolves around the issue of adoption, where the life of ophthalmologist Nada (Mena Shalaby) is turned upside down when she is given the responsibility to save the life of a baby girl and faces many difficulties in addition to her relationship with the girl herself.

Bimbo is Egyptian limited series

A series divided into 3 stories (10 episodes each) with different characters and events in each story.

Yaqut, a father, leaves his wife and kids and disappears for 20 years. The Devil, Wanoos, then visits his family, pretending to be their father's friend, and tells them that he and their father have made millions. A conflict between the children and their mother ensues, and they need to choose between going back to their father and his money, or keeping things the way they are.


The idea of ​​the Plateau program is his ironic view of things and his observations on people's lives that made him act as an actor because he loves to observe people and ask questions about them.

The series revolves around the life of drug addicts, as wife Mariam, returns to addiction after a large period of quitting, which strains her relationship with her husband Hatem, and her friends and family try to help her overcome her problems, and stay away from addiction.

About a man who wakes up one morning to discover that the day repeats, a carbon copy of the day before, trapping him in an inescapable vicious circle. This man has a dream to live for 100 years, however he is living for one day only and that day keep repeating to show him the negative and positive things in his life.
