Sara Gorše

The feature-length documentary Dream 1991 takes us back to the beginning of the 1990s, when a series of strategic decisions and decisive actions paved the way for an independent Slovenia.

Driving home from a New Year's Eve party, Chief Inspector Taras Birsa notices a police car by the road. He stops, and inadvertently gets involved in an investigation of a brutal murder of a young woman.


Iva is a lost 24-year-old struggling with depression. She worries that even a diploma will not help her get a good job. When she almost despairs, her best friend offers to help her.

Fran is a newcomer art teacher at a primary school who struggles communicating with his students' parents while also actively avoiding communicating with his girlfriend Medina.


One night, a group of teenagers breaks into a city swimming pool. Their youthful spirit soon turns into wild, violent rampage. When the maelstrom of proving themselves and picking on others results in an accident, the situation turns upside down.

Two boys take different life paths.
