Sara Norte

Luís Carlos is back from a six-week trip to Boston, where he was doing research on Superman for his master’s thesis. He considers Superman to be one of the best heroes of all time – if not the best. When he arrives in Lisbon and discovers that Superman has died, despair takes over his life.


Red Light is a TV series created by Patrícia Muller & directed by Marco Leão & André Santos about the true story of a group of women from Bragança that in 2003 rebelled against the presence of Brazilian immigrant prostitutes that were having a social and moral impact on the life of this small town.


The pilgramage of 11 women in 9 days and 400km to Fátima.


The journey of 11 women while they go on a pilgrimage from Bragança to Fatima.


The Portuguese Carnation Revolution of April 25th seen by a women perspective.


A group of innocent hostages is left to their own deaths facing a clockwork bomb, while the whole country watches them on the TV.
