Sarah Elizabeth Johnston

12 Filmmakers. 12 Films. One Movie

Jilted. That's how Lilly Anderson, a tightly wound wedding planner, ends up after her carefully planned "happily ever after" dissolves at the altar. Turning disappointment into fuel for a journey in search of her birth mother, Lilly hits the road with her support staff in tow: her former childhood best friend, her blogging maid of honor, and her estranged Topanga Canyon dwelling sister. While the adventurous four may have a clear destination in mind, it is through the unexpected turns in the road, and the evolution of these relationships from her past, that help Lilly discover what it is she's actually looking for.

The world's most famous male porn star, Richard Peter Johnson, retires at the height of his career to pursue his dream of acting.


John Figg has a great career and a gorgeous fiancée. When he inherits a nice house in a quiet neighborhood, he finally starts to feel like his life is coming together. Trouble arises, however, when John's house is burglarized, and the thieves steal one of his most prized possessions.


Some strangers are unforgettable.
