Sarah Kirkegaard

During a robbery at KaDeWe, of all places, a magical encounter occurs between Hedi, a saleswoman in the textile department, and Fritzi, the daughter of KaDeWe owner Adolf Jandorf. It is love at first sight: Against all social and family odds, the two disparate young women begin a passionate relationship. At the same time, Fritzi's older brother and war returnee Harry is fighting for his father's recognition as the new junior manager of KaDeWe - and against his own despair. At Harry's side is Georg, a general manager placed in front of him by his father, who has worked his way up from a poor background to the top echelons of KaDeWe. Georg, of all people, will play a decisive role in the future fate of the department store...

Just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the birthday celebrations of an East German family turn into a tragicomical moment of political and personal breakdown.


The end of a summer, a sleepy fishing port on the Baltic Sea and the beginning of a great feeling that must not be: Shortly before the start of the new school year, the 18-year-old Christian falls in love with his new English teacher Stella Petersen. In a moment of unexpected lightness and freedom, in the dunes and seascape far away from the small town, Stella and Christian discover a shared longing and an attraction to each other, the intensity of which both overwhelmed. But soon after class has begun again, the secret relationship between the young teacher and her pupil threatens the scandal ...


Silvia's career as an actress goes into decline after a few unfortunate statements recorded with a microphone hidden in his dressing room. On the other hand, we detected a serious disease to her daughter.
