Sarah Navratil

Follows Kendra who is close to have an affair with a younger man, when her young almost-lover dies she begins to doubt that her husband had anything to do with Eric's death, but it turns out she wasn't the young man's only lover.

An upcoming short from director Anthony Alex Gilmore.

A struggling actor's life is turned upside down when his estranged mother appears on his doorstep with a terminal illness.


A former victim of human trafficking turned vigilante is now forced to face the man who sold her when she was just a teen.

A feature-length anthology film. They are known as myths, lore, and folktales. Created to give logic to mankind’s darkest fears, these stories laid the foundation for what we now know as the horror genre.


A modern retelling of H.G. Wells classic novel, The Invisible Man. Motivated by the death of his son, Griffin, a brilliant but eccentric scientist discovers a method to invisibility.


A socially and politically frustrated young man with a troubled past vents his frustrations through a social networking website and unwittingly sparks a revolutionary social movement.


A 9 year old boy experiences God's power in a supernatural way.


The Enchanted Cottage is a romantic retelling of Sir Arthur Wing Pinero's classic play. When socialite Oliver Bradshaw is disfigured by war wounds, he hides from his father, Golden Globe Nominee Richard Hatch, to convalesce in seclusion at a Cottage he rented for his originally planned honeymoon. Laura Pennington, a shy plain nurse is hired on to care for Oliver. The two begin developing feelings for each other and ultimately fall in love. After they marry, they discover the enchantment of the cottage has the power to transform.


A woman with a perfect life learns she‘s carrying a baby she didn‘t expect. With no one to turn to for help, she carries to term and really comes to understand the saying “your life is over when you have kids“.

A lovelorn single father has his life turned upside down when a new-age yogi mysteriously shows up in his kitchen and takes him on a journey of self-discovery.


In a series of life events, a group of young adults expressed their love, desires, and secrets in ways they didn't imagine they could.


Never assume it‘s just the house settling.

Alyssa Manning was abducted as a small child and spent seven years living with her kidnapper before she was returned safely to her parents.

As a mother becomes suspicious that her daughter may be infected by a parasitic creature, she is thrust into a nightmare as the people she trusts most push her into a chasm of drug addiction, self-destruction, and devastating sacrifice.
