Sarah Schnier

The 14-years old Mona becomes pregnant. Problems in the family are the result.


Alex ist Anfang 30, smart und gut aussehend, und wickelt die Frauen reihenweise um den Finger, braust danach aber genauso schnell wieder in seinem Sportwagen davon. Feste Beziehungen kennt er nicht, Teamplay kommt in seinem Wortschatz nicht vor, und „Frauen verstehen“ tun definitiv andere. Als seine diversen Gespielinnen gemeinsam Rache nehmen, kommt es zu einem erstaunlichen Ergebnis: Nach einem traumatischen Vorfall erwacht Alex in einer Welt, die nur von Frauen bevölkert ist. Schlimmer noch: Er selbst wird ebenfalls als Frau wahrgenommen. Und statt Sex wird lieber gekuschelt, Kinder bekommt man, wenn man sie sich ganz doll wünscht, es wird ganz viel geredet und kaum gestritten, alle nehmen Rücksicht aufeinander und schweben auf einer Wolke der Harmonie. Ausgerechnet jetzt entwickelt er für eine Frau Gefühle. Denn langsam aber sicher schleicht sich Paula in sein Herz. Doch wie nur soll er ihres erobern? Irgendwie muss er ihr zeigen, dass er mehr ist als ihre beste Freundin...


Nuclear security expert Katja Wernecke (Ulrike Folkerts) helps cover up a fire in the German nuclear reactor she works in, before the government takes a decision on extending the usage license for it. But the press uncovers it. PR man Steffen Stratmann (Matthias Koerbelin) is brought in to improve the companies image - but before he can implement his plan a nuclear meltdown occurs. 2m people have to be evacuated. Wernecke re-enters the hot zone to investigate the cause...


An oddball comedy in which a nudist colony in eastern Germany is put at risk when a conservative Bavarian textile manufacturer purchases it, unaware of the true 'nature' of the resort. In an attempt to fool the new owner, the regulars dress normally. However, it doesn't take long for their old ways to creep back in as it becomes more difficult to keep up the act as well as keep on their clothes!


When Germany is hit by a drought, the Ruhr area is threatened with the collapse of drinking water. Meteorologist Martina Fechner is appointed head of the crisis team, but has to recognize that her colleagues see the crisis as an opportunity for their own career. When even highly toxic germs are discovered in a reservoir, the region is also threatened by a plague.


Die 16jährigen Zwillinge Luisa und Lukas erfahren durch Zufall, dass ihre Mutter Katrin sie durch eine Samenspende bekommen hatte. Katrin muß den Erzeuger suchen und findet ihn auch. Das hat Folgen...


A funny comedy about a various adventures of Körner (Grains) family and their dog.

Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF 2 in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland. The first episode was broadcast on November 29, 1970. The opening sequence for the series has remained the same throughout the decades, which remains highly unusual for any such long-running TV series up to date. Each of the regional TV channels which together form ARD, plus ORF and SF, produces its own episodes, starring its own police inspector, some of which, like the discontinued Schimanski, have become cultural icons. The show appears on DasErste and ORF 2 on Sundays at 8:15 p.m. and currently about 30 episodes are made per year. As of March 2013, 865 episodes in total have been produced. Tatort is currently being broadcast in the United States on the MHz Worldview channel under the name Scene of the Crime.
