Sasha Smith

A creative teenage girl undergoes a mind-altering procedure while a virus spreads throughout the globe. Crispin Glover co-stars in this black comedy-fusion-surreal plague thriller. A delicious, phantasmagoric fantasy, directed by Hooroo Jackson.


After discovering the "Arcanum," a camera-like object, Syd begins to document his own reality. But when he starts to view previously recorded stories, he notices that all who have used the device have come to some unfortunate end. Soon after, he begins to experience disturbing hallucinations and unwanted visions. Syd realizes he must uncover this mystery, or he will die.


Dick Brave is the alter ego of Sasha, a german Pop/Rock singer who wanted to change his style and now is part of the neo-rockabilly group Dick Brave & the Backbeats. The project started as a joke but they had such a great success that their first album "Dick This!" raised to the top ten of the German charts. In 2006 Sasha started a comeback with less success and today he is back in the constellation Dick Brave & the Backbeats.