Saúl Lisazo

After a terrorist attack on Guatemala in the 1980's, a small child is left deaf and motherless. Now her father has to step up and take care of her by himself while the fear of inner armed conflict looms over the country.


Widowed and in a professional decline, the legendary soccer player "Spider Salazar" lives lost in his own depression. His only inspiration is his daughter Tania, who can not stand to see her father in this state. With a lot of ingenuity and perseverance, Tania will help his father return to the field in order to restore his life.


Albert marries the woman of his dreams, but he's about to lose her trying to discover the answer to why men cheat that will make him famous.


TV MX, the most powerful Mexican Television Corporation, discloses a scandalous story involving Governor Carmelo Vargas in serious crimes and illicit business. Governor Vargas worried about his political future, decides to clean his image and negotiates a billionaire secret agreement with the owners of the TV Corporation. Carlos Rojo, an ambitious young news producer, and Ricardo Diaz, TV network star reporter, are responsible for making a dirty campaign to change the image the public has of the corrupt Governor and make him, at any cost, a political star and a great presidential candidate. Mexican Television believes that democracy is a farce and has already placed one President... Will they do it again?


The real life story of Andres Lopez Lopez aka "Frecita" during his years involved with the Colombian Cartel aka "Cartel Norte del Valle"


Emilio, a Colombian con man, arrives in LA with two weeks to complete his plan to rob a former colleague, Claudio Silvestrini, who's made a fortune using infomercials to peddle snake oil to Latin immigrants. Emilio's friend Alejandro, who sells pirated DVDs, has assembled a team of amateurs, who, as Alejandro says, will go unnoticed because they're immigrants. The team must gain entry to Silvestrini's well-guarded mansion, steal two keys to access a vault, and then get the money off the property. A father and his tomboy daughter, a nervous Cuban actor, a techie, and a muscle man make up the team, plus Alejandro has been courting Silvestrini's nanny. Will they be enough?


Tierra de Pasiones is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by Telemundo which is owned by NBC Universal. Tierra de Pasiones was filmed on a set in Homestead, Florida, and aired weekdays from February 20, 2006 to October 24, 2006 at 8 pm ET.


Vivo Por Elena is a Mexican telenovela starring Victoria Ruffo and Saul Lisazo with the antagonic roles of Ana Patricia Rojo and Sebastian Ligarde. The telenovela aired on Univision in 1998. The theme song for the telenovela was Vivo Por Ella, sung by Andrea Bocelli with a duet by Marta Sanchez. The telenovela has been repeated several times on different channels since its original airing.


After the murder of her father and brother, Irene Saldivar travels to Greece. There she meets and falls in love with entrepreneur Alexis Theodorakis. Carlos is the administrator of Irene's fortune and cooperates with Alejandro in a rotten and corrupt business where he marries rich women, kills them, and obtains their fortune. When Carlos finds out about Irene's marriage to Alexis, he formulates a plan to kill Alexis and obtain his fortune. During Irene and Alexis' honeymoon, Carlos' plan succeeds when the boat Alexis travels in explodes. A desperate and pregnant Irene returns to Mexico, where she falls in love with Dr. Diego Covarrubias. However, Irene is forced to leave him for the sake of her friend Carolina, since Carolina loves him and has cancer. Since Alejandro isn't able to win Irene's love, Alejandro gets in her life and forces her to marry him or risk losing her son - all of this as part of another plan Carlos formulated so he and Alejandro plot Irene's death in another fatal catastrophe.
