Scilla Gabel

Italian miniseries about a homicide that occurred in Rome during the 1920s.


Italian mini series


Chaco, a Mexican on the run from just about everyone, is framed for the killing of a couple of Mexican cattlemen. Everyone knows he's innocent but the evidence is substantial. Chaco escapes and with the help of a bounty hunter, goes after the real murderers.


Odysseus' journey told in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. After fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus spends years trying to return home to Itaka.

Italian miniseries based on Homer's Odyssey.


No overview found.


Modesty Blaise, a secret agent whose hair color, hair style, and mod clothing change at a snap of her fingers is being used by the British government as a decoy in an effort to thwart a diamond heist. She is being set up by the feds but is wise to the plot and calls in sidekick Willie Garvin and a few other friends to outsmart them. Meanwhile, at his island hideaway, Gabriel, the diamond thief has his own plans for Blaise and Garvin.


A secret agent is charged with preventing a crime syndicate's plot to assassinate a young heiress.


A young man is chosen by a magazine company to be a modeled into a public heart-throb while being dogged by a persistant reporter out to expose the fraud the company is putting out.


Djurado is a gun-slinging professional gambler who struts into the small town of Silver Mine and wins half of the local saloon, the other part of which belongs to Barbara, whilst battling notorious outlaw Tucan.


La vendetta di Spartacus (US title: Revenge of the Gladiators) is a 1965 Italian film directed by Michele Lupo. It was shot back to back with Seven Slaves Against the World.


Tribune Marcus Aulus, out of favor in Rome because of his alleged sympathy for Christians, arrives to take charge of an aqueduct project on the hot, arid fringes of the Empire. Centurion Gaius, cruel and corrupt, resents being replaced by Marcus. He instigates a revolt by his slave-workers, then blames the situation on Marcus. During the revolt, five muscular slaves escape. They meet up with fellow escapee Balisten, a farmer unjustly condemned to the aqueduct project. Balisten, impressed by Marcus's enlightened attitudes, has rescued the Tribune from the revolt. The six slaves, with Marcus's advice, plan to gain their freedom using their prowess as gladiators. Marcus plans to clear his name and to re-unite with his fiancée, Claudia, recently arrived from Rome. Gaius plans to kill Marcus and thus hide the truth about the slave revolt. Brawls and fights both inside and outside the arena come thick and fast.


Comedy directed by Mario Mattoli.


In Roman-dominated Egypt, the corrupt administration of a governor named Petronius has sparked a revolt headed by El Kabir, a young man who learns that he's actually the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. When Petronius' daughter, Livia, newly-arrived from Rome, falls into his hands, El Kabir uses this opportunity to win her over to his side before releasing her to her father.


Using Leonardo Da Vinci's innovative designs for weapons of war, flying engines and other machinery, three brothers join forces to fight a wicked and powerful Duke in early-Renaissance Italy.


This film is very much a docudrama which portrays the difficulties of Italian life circa 1963 due to the absence of a divorce law. Five scenarios with different actors portray realistic situations where divorce is clearly warranted but, because marriage was strictly in the purview of the Catholic Church at that time, which strictly forbade divorce, these people are shown to suffer the consequences in their daily lives. Italy got its first civilian divorce law in 1970.


A powerful man posing as a gladiator in Rome's fourth century discovers a plan to put the beautiful Queen in prison, which he thwarts by exposing a sinister duke as a traitor.


A salesman from England is picked to select one girl in an Italian town who will become a bride for a native son.


During the WWII Italians and English take and retake a village between the Albanian and Greek borders. It happens so often that not only do they use the same hotel as their headquarters, but also they find the time to become friends.


Three Faces of Sin (French: Le Puits aux trois vérités) is a 1961 French language motion picture comedy directed by François Villiers, based on novel by Jean-Jaques Gauthier. The music score is by Maurice Jarre. The film stars Michèle Morgan, Jean-Claude Brialy, Catherine Spaak and Scilla Gabel. It tells the story of a painter who parts from his mistress and marries her daughter.


It is fruit-picking season in the plain and pickers come from all over and live in a camp for several weeks. Among the many pretty girls are Kissa, a natural vamp who delights in exciting men; Margo who is hard and tough, and Josine who is tender and romantic. They work in a feverish atmosphere and inflamed by the summer heat, youthful passions run riot, and the girls' sensual behavior cause rivalry among the men. Lorry driver Armand applies the same degree of ardor to his love-making as to his work, and his biggest rival is the boss' son, Berto, a strutting rooster who is very proud of his American car. After work each day, Kissa queens it in the cabaret on shore, and derives great pleasure in arousing jealousy between the men.


An Italian adventure film starring Roger Moore as Romulus in the early days of Rome. His city of thieves is populated entirely by men, and so Romulus is convinced to find some ladies. After finding some in Sabinia, he proceeds to take them to his city and engage them to his men. The Sabines declare war and battle ensues.


Hollywood stars go wild at the Riviera film festivals.


Hans von Arnam travels to a Flemish village to study a strange carousel located in an old windmill that displays famous murderesses and other notorious women from history. Professor Gregorius Wahl, owner of the windmill, warns Hans to stay away from his mysterious daughter Elfi, in order to keep Hans from discovering the horrible secret shared by the Professor and Elfi's Doctor.


The story of Hadji Murad, a 19th-century Chechen chieftain who led his warriors in a fight against the invading forces of the Russian Czar.


The greatest adventure of jungle king Tarzan. Four British villains raid a settlement to obtain explosives for use in a diamond mine. In doing so they nearly destroy the settlement, so Tarzan pursues them to their mine.


A tale on the Italian upper class of the '60s and their ways to kill time.
