Sean Morelli

On All Hallows' Eve, A secret society of priests is conducting diabolical ceremonies in which humans are being sacrificed to appease their God Samhain.


In order to get his family back, Frank must transform internally and overcome his fear instilled in him by his father since childhood. And in the process of his turbulent spiritual journey and self-discovery, he creates a Martial Arts "Transformational Training Method: H.I.G.H. K.E.Y. F.I.T.N.E.S.S. which in turn he utilizes to lead and metamorphosize an inner-city High School Karate team from last place to first place in the state. These teenagers get to realize their unlimited God-given potential to overcome barriers and break down their limited beliefs and become positive contributors to society.

Mutant hordes are sent to annihilate mankind.


An ultra-secret government weapons project is headed up by a mad scientist's grand-daughter. Her mission: recreate the demented killing machines known as Astro Zombies. It doesn't take long before the deadly mutant clones escape from Area 51 and all hell breaks loose! Elite teams of Men In Black attempt extreme damage control measures, while government officials, master criminals, and the famed Doll Squad spring into action -- creating a mess of epic proportions!


A school teacher and her wheelchair-bound sister purchase a house that seems to be haunted by a strange supernatural force. Father LeCleur and his son Raymond are called in to vanquish the demonic entities. But when the hell-spawn turn out to be much stronger than anyone thought, a bloody showdown ensues.


THE WILD WORLD OF TED V. MIKELS, a new documentary by Kevin Sean Michaels (no blood relation to Ted


Five year old Timmy needs a heart transplant to live. A community struggles to help him survive.


No overview found.


The existence of mankind hangs in the balance as two warring factions of aliens do battle in Mark of the Astro Zombies. The film begins with an invasion of Earth by aliens who plan to turn human beings into zombies. They gather high-level government officials and attempt to get from them certain knowledge and information they will need. A kind race of aliens lands on Earth and decides to try and stop the evil ones from succeeding with their plans.


A campy low-budget sequel to 1971's cult classic gore-fest with an interplanetary sub-plot grafted on. The giant flesh-mangling meat grinder in the basement of the Lotus Cat Food Company is back in business under new management. And this time the popular "food for cats who like people" has drawn the attention of an alien race of intelligent felines from the planet Ceta. The Cetans' food supply has been destroyed in their interplanetary war with dog-headed dinosaurs. With help from the U.S. government's "men in black" the cat queen, Felina, negotiates a mega-deal with the Lotus Company to supply her planet with food. This sudden increase in orders has the new owners scrambling for fresh - and not-so-fresh- human flesh to meet the growing demand.
