Sebastian Achilles

The last un-renovated building in a trendy Berlin neighbourhood is being vacated. The former tenants are moving out, but Dietmar refuses to budge. His son Tobias tries to convince him to move into social housing. However, his father resists and the situation between Tobias, his father, and the building's realtor, who seems to be there by chance, escalates and gets completely out of hand.


A politically sensitive murder forces two disparate detectives into a battle with the Berlin underworld and a confrontation with their own corruption.


Robert Beck failed as a musician and works frustrated as a teacher - until he learns about his gifted student Rauli. A musical genius: He sings and plays guitar like a young god. Beck is motivated to help Rauli to become a successful and published musician to fulfill his own long-held dreams of a music career.


When lovelorn Michael arrives in Berlin to return a set of keys to his ex-girlfriend, Gabi, as an excuse to see her again, he finds her apartment empty save for a couple of plumbers making repairs to the central heating. Just as Michael learns from the plumber’s apprentice, Harper, that Gabi has popped out for a while but will return soon, the apprentice is attacked by his boss who has unexpectedly and inexplicably transformed into a raging madman. Together, Michael and Harper manage to bundle the crazed plumber out of the apartment and barricade themselves safely inside. Within minutes, they find themselves trapped in apartment block under siege from a horde of similarly insane people, apparently hungry for human flesh.


They're young. They're hungry for life. And they've left the cold, gray North behind for fun and adventure on a Mediterranean island. Elisa: rich, spoiled, fleeing from daddy and his stifling upper-class morals. Richie: the sexy drifter for whom every woman is a potential meal ticket; Florian: sensitive, gentle, the type not only girls gravitate to; Daniel: stuck between adolescence and small-mindedness. But even in paradise there are some dark corners that never get any sun. It's where you can lose your way, or your bearings... where you can discover love or refuse to see it... where you realize that you haven't really left the cold, gray North behind – but that it's inside you - and that this is real life...


How much humiliation and pain can TV candidates endure for a bit of fame? In the show "Enjoy your Life" four attractive young people have hit on camera through the wilderness . To win points and sympathy, they must demonstrate team spirit, humor and sex appeal . Suddenly a psychopath emerges and abductes the sweet Sonja . Now the players have to react... The egocentric Elke believes that all this is a test of the show makers , the cool Dirk will kill the villain and the left-liberal Tim wants only time to talk about it. For Sonja the situation is more threatening ...
