Sebastian Flynn

A short horror film about an unnamed observer with bandages covering his face.

Haley has struggled to connect with her adopted sister Abbi for her whole life, carrying a secret guilt, she begins to start spending quality time with her sister before the clock runs out on her dying sister.

A young adult lives his day to day life very privately, his co-workers suspect he is some kind of robot for being so emotionless, but they don't actually know him.

A young scavenger collects junk to make money. However things... escalate.


Simon Roth (Sebastian Flynn), a high schooler, experiences bullying on a daily basis. Comes home to be alone everyday, and has no friends. all his pain has an embodiment called "The Demon", something in him that he keeps hidden from everyone, until he lets him out for the world to see, maybe it isn't bad though, maybe he can be a superhero... but that's his choice.


A man drives to a gas station at midnight but encounters something surprising.

Two friends across different states on halloween argue over a movie that they want to watch but something makes their night... paranormal.


A young boy undergoes a transformation of his true self


Clean up the spillage
