Sebastian Hofmann

In an abandoned countryside house, a woman receives several individuals to offer them a singular experience.

While staying at a tropical resort, a man becomes convinced the American timeshare company running it has an evil plan to take away his loved ones.


26 filmmakers bring their own vision in order to find the truth about the missing students of Ayotzinapa.

After wandering a ruined city for years in search of food and shelter, two siblings find their way into one of the last remaining buildings. Inside, they find a man who will make them a dangerous offer to survive the outside world.


Pablo Kramsky, a crime reporter for a tabloid newspaper is the victim of a home invasion. A colleague offers him a gun for self-defense, and this leads Kramsky to kill a person when he feels endangered. Kramsky is not brilliant at his job, but when he writes an article about a possible vigilante taking justice into his own hands, he gains the recognition of his superior and the admiration of his coworkers. Thus, Kramsky repeats the formula, committing crimes and writing about them, creating a crime fighting national hero.


Beto works at a gym as a night security guard. He has no family. He is a lonely man and the secret he keeps isolates him even more: he suffers from a mysterious disease that is turning him into some kind of zombie. He struggles, but he cannot hide it, so he decides to quit his job. However, before doing so, he unveils his condition to the manager of the gym, Luly, and a very unusual friendship arises between them. Sebastián Hofmann’s debut is not a horror film itself, nor is it a film about zombies. Halley is a drama that explores loneliness and body decay.


The life on Zapotal Santa Cruz, a little town in Veracruz, Mexico. Canícula follows the school of the Dance of the Flyers and the people who surrounds the zone where youngs learn an ancient Mesoamerican ceremony performed by totonacs during the summer.


A resident of New York City is trying to keep his family together when he is thrust into new problems of staying alive
