Seiji Matsuoka

Based on a manga by Ishinomori Shoutarou, originally serialised in the business paper Nippon Keizai Shinbun. In the middle of the 1980s, yuppie career girl Sawako Matsumoto graduates from Harvard Business School and returns to Japan. As the country struggles under the export pressures brought by the high Yen, she works through the night to produce a business plan that will drag her company out of its rut.

A series of fantastical tournaments in which players uses absurd powers and Saru remains determined to triumph. Amid kung-fu masters and fairway fairies, his opponents include Death himself.

Secretary Sayo does some corporate snooping for her boyfriend, an upstart executive with a rival company. But she gets busted by the CEO. Poor Sayo is captured and taken to a private torture chamber in the corporate mansion. While the secretary gets punished, the bossman's son becomes infatuated with her beautiful white skin and he assumes the disciplinary responsibilities. Between the floggings, stretchings, and wooden-horse tortures he finds time to cover her body in an elaborate tattoo.


A young wife with a very ordinary life finds herself involved in a world of nightmarish grudges due to her husband's scandal.

Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur is a 1980 animated film based on the popular manga and anime series, Doraemon. It was released in 1980, one year after the premiere of the TV series (making it the first feature-length Doraemon film). The movie was released in Japan 15 March 1980. In 2006 the movie was remade.


Space Carrier Blue Noah is a science fiction anime TV series produced by Office Academy which ran in Japan from October 13, 1979 through March 30, 1980. It was later distributed overseas in English by West Cape Corporation under the name "Thundersub". The series was called "Nave Anti-Espacial" in many Spanish-speaking countries. Set in the year 2052, Earth has managed to find peace until the arrival of the Death Force – ruthless aliens from a dying solar system – who are desperately searching for a new home. Attacking the Earth with a massive satellite ship called Terror Star, the aliens proceed to terraform the planet to make it their own. For mankind there is one hope: it's up to Colin Collins and a small band of his fellow surviving students to crew a top-secret submersible vessel that can fight the invaders at sea or in space.


Roman Porno from 1977.


Hisako Ōuchi (Naomi Tani) is the sexually-frustrated wife of the older art academy Professor Ōuchi (Minoru Ōkochi). Ōuchi is a repressed conservative who disdains modern art, and expels Kazuo Kobayashi (Tachiki Bessho), a student who specializes in SM painting. Hisako becomes obsessed with the expelled student, and has an affair with him. Kazuo and Hisako retire to a cabin in the countryside where they indulge in SM activities.


During the latter part of World War II, Judge Murayama, head of the Japanese military police, uses his position to falsely accuse, capture, imprison and torture women in whom he is interested. Namiji Kikushima, a high-class business woman, is one such lady.


Ms. Yoshino, respectable lady and attractive widow, leads a quiet and peaceful life with her teenage daughter Takako. However, their lifes change radically when fate confronts both with the young Hideo. While spending time with Takako, the latter is more attracted to her mother, and she in turn starts to feel the same, because he reminds her of his late father, a kabuki actor with whom she had an affair in the past.


A rape victim realizes that she enjoys sexual assault and continuously offers herself to be raped while searching for her original rapist.


Roman Porno from 1975.

An expedition in the South Pacific lands on a tropical island where the natives worship the mysterious deity Gappa. An earthquake opens up an underground cavern and a baby reptile is discovered inside. The natives warn the foreigners to leave the hatching alone, but they don't listen and take it back to a zoo in Japan. Soon after, moma and papa Gappa start smashing Tokyo looking for their kidnapped child.
