September D'Angelo

Three paranormal investigators enter what is said to be the most haunted location in the Midwest. Over the last 100 years, the property has housed thousands of deaths, murder, suicide, and countless acts of foul play.

Phil's new phone comes with an unexpected feature, A.I. determined to keep him all to herself in a comedy about what can happen when you love your phone more than all else.


A young woman with a severely troubled past signs up for an extreme haunt called Perdition. She believes that putting herself through Perdition's nightmarish trials will help her exorcise her internal traumas, but has no way of knowing just how shocking her ordeal will be-or what dark secrets buried in her psyche will emerge.


Pregnant Latina teen Celina decides to keep her baby after her friend dies during an illegal abortion attempt. As Celina faces the compounded obstacles of being a young single mother of color in 1960's San Francisco, she finds allies and mentors along the way.