Serena Autieri

During a party Arianna has a relationship with her peer, Teo. In the following days, a wave of gossip and comments question the legitimacy of their relationship, leaving a question to be answered: what is the line between violence and consensus?


Italian comedy directed by and starring Vincenzo Salemme, with Paolo Calabresi and Carlo Buccirosso.


Fulvio is the only one of the three brothers to have left the village to go to work in the city. Deputy chief of staff in a large company, he dismisses people without remorse until he gets fired himself and after being jailed for beating his superior, is entrusted to his brother, who's a pastor in the village where they grew up. Forced into a place far from the modern world, Fulvio decides to help the local church in crisis by inventing a miracle that makes everyone believe that the saint's statue weeps. Tourists and pilgrims rush to the village and are filling the pockets of local businesses until the Vatican decides to send someone to certify the event. Fulvio must confess the scam, but the entire village will rise to convince the envoys of the Holy City for the veracity of the invented miracle.


In Abruzzo, Giulio, Veronica and their young son Marzio live a happy life. Giulio loves the countryside, Veronica enjoys the quiet life of the city and Marzio wants a little brother. Giulio, however, discovers that he is infertile. His friends are trying to keep the family together.


A princess has to pretend to be in love with a rude and ignorant boy to obtein success among her citizens.


The training trip of 4 "special" boys, one narcoleptic, one internet-dependent, one suffering from Tourette's Syndrome and one obsessed with hygiene towards self-affirmation and acceptance of one's differences.


Arnaldo, Anita and the twins, Martina and Federica, here is the Nardi family. A quiet, normal middle class family. The man is at that stage of his life where nostalgia for the period as a student becomes stronger. It would be nice to be able to go back. It would be nice to savor those moments. It would be also nice to tell someone who has little more than twenty years in life you have to believe in their dreams and not be afraid...


Anna and Piero fighting routine of a long marriage, when Piero loses his memory, Anna reconstructs his way. For its part, the concierge Rocco and his friend Michele play in a group that emulates the Beatles and face opposition from their partners. Finally, Marcello and Paola are a divorced couple who, from time to time, pretend they are still together to avoid problems. They are victims of a relentless war of sexes.


Carlo, on vacation in South Africa with his second wife Susanna meets her younger brother Giorgio.


A confrontation starts between a young man Diego and his beautiful neighbor Chiara.


Ambientato in Val di Susa e tratto da un fatto di cronaca realmente accaduto, il film narra le vicende di due onesti lavoratori che, assillati dai debiti e dall'ansia per il futuro, decidono di provare il colpo della vita. I due organizzano dunque un rapimento, ma non avendo il coraggio di rapire una persona viva, decidono di rapire un morto, ma uno importante, per poter chiedere il riscatto. Ed è così che un operaio, soprannominato Pes (Enzo Iacchetti) e un piccolo imprenditore, soprannominato Crodino (Ricky Tognazzi) si trovano a trafugare la salma di Enrico Cuccia, noto finanziere. Pur nella loro ingenuità e totale inesperienza, i due riescono, senza neanche rendersene conto, a tenere in scacco per giorni le forze dell'ordine e a scomodare perfino i servizi segreti.


Reunites the same cast, reprising their characters from the 2006 original film, but transplants them from the 1980s to the Italy of 2006. This leap allows the filmmaker to compare and contrast youth culture across generations, from the era of the call box to the era of cell phones, text messages and onli


Maria Callas, one of the most talented opera singers of her time, seemed to have it all. Coming from humble origins, she always felt slighted by her mother's preference for her sister. She grew up in an unhappy environment, until her career in the operatic world took off. Aristotles Onassis also came from a poor Greek family. His ambition took him places where others dare not go and became a shipping magnate whose great wealth bought his entry into an international society he didn't ever dreamed of entering. These two powerful personalities were so much alike that their own passion served to destroy them.


It is the early 1300's and the treasury of France, under the rule of Philippe IV (Philippe le Bel or Philippe the Beautiful), is empty. The king decides the only solution is to raid the treasures of the Knights Templar (amongst others) and concocts various charges of treason, heresy and deviance against the Knights and their Grand Master Jacques de Molay. Having confessed under torture to the crimes of which he is accused, de Molay is condemned to be burned at the stake. With his dying breath he curses the king, the king's advisor (Guillaume de Nogaret), the pope (Pope Clement V) and the thirteen succeeding generations of their families. There follows one of the most dramatic periods in French history, half a century of political intrigue, murder, treason, war and famine, which ultimately culminates in the 100 Years War.
