Sergei Artsybashev

The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.


A loose remake of “12 Angry Men”, “12” is set in contemporary Moscow where 12 very different men must unanimously decide the fate of a young Chechen accused of murdering his step-father, a Russian army officer. Consigned to a makeshift jury room in a school gymnasium, one by one each man takes center stage to confront, connect, and confess while the accused awaits a verdict and revisits his heartbreaking journey through war in flashbacks.


A film about the hard fate of a decommissioned pilot, who not lost the ability to fly, as well as about male solidarity, cemented by national drinking traditions, about two truths - for male and for female, and about the love that will reconcile everyone.


The student, Rifle, has managed to seduce his professor's wife, Bomber, an average working guy, has bought a factory and Bullet, the casino lover, is hiding from creditors. They all share a common path and conscription. In the army they teach you that everything must be smart and in order - cockades, straps and all, otherwise you're not fit to call yourself a person, you're a maggot. For a real man, there's no better place than the army.


At the heart of the picture is a common legend about the last days of Emperor Alexander the First Blessed.


The villager - excavator Peter Gavrilin - once realized that he had lost all meaning. Despising the bustle, Peter left the family and lay on the rails ... A simple story is tragicomic and sentimental. All you need is a breath of clean air ...


The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.


In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...


The legendary commander of the Civil War, the winner of Wrangel arrives in the capital at the call of Stalin. In the capital, he is perplexed to learn that the Politburo at a special meeting decided to force him to operate on a long-standing ulcer. The attending physician is convinced that the operation is not needed, but, obeying party discipline, the old Bolshevik lies on the operating table.


Герой фильма Владимир Пирошников в поисках выхода из жизненного тупика мучительно решает вечные вопросы смысла жизни. В конце концов, оказавщись на крыше, он делает одно неосторожное движение - и зависает на уровне пятого этажа...


Late one evening in Moscow in 1937, Defence Counsel Sedov hears a knock at the door. Three women whose agronomist husbands have been sentenced to death for alleged sabotage beg him to take on the seemingly hopeless task of saving them. Sedov embarks upon a succession of encounters with increasingly powerful officials, gradually persuading them to look at the case anew. But the highest authorities are not so easily outmanoeuvered, and Sedov becomes canonised as a Stalinist zealot, with the film building inexorably to its chilling triple climax.


Comedy based on the story of M. Zoshchenko "do not speculate." The story of how the wife "sold" her own husband.


Nothing like this has ever happened and could not happen in any of the airports. However, according to the authors of the film-parable, this tragicomic story is directly related to reality. It turns out that in order to properly fly airplanes, sometimes it is enough to fly to one chief. Of course with his seats. However, it does not prevent that the passengers themselves are very eager to go on a flight…


A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.


The film is based on the play by Alexander Ostrovsky “Without a Dowry”. The action takes place on the banks of the Volga in the fictional provincial town of Bryakhimov in 1877-1878. Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova, a noblewoman of a good and respected family, a widow with three adult daughters, became impoverished after her husband’s death, but she does everything to arrange her daughters' life and marry them to sufficiently rich and noble grooms. In the absence of funds, she keeps an open house, hoping that a society of beautiful and musical young ladies will attract single men rich enough to marry loveless women. Kharita’s only “at a loose end” daughter is the youngest - Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova, who is not indifferent to several wealthy gentlemen at once, among whom Sergey Sergeyevich Paratov is a handsome, charming, smarty, frivolous and rich gentleman.
