Sergei Danilevich

A film following Richard the Lion-Hearted and the knight Kenneth


A journalist made a film called "Mafia is immortal", but it was put on the shelf, and the creator was explicitly threatened. He becomes a witness of strange things. He decides to conduct his own investigation along with his friend, a scientist. They find an underground laboratory, generating beams that allow to influence people at a distance ...


The film is based on the novel by Vyacheslav Kondratyev "Vacation by Wound." The story of the few weeks that young lieutenant Volodya spent in Moscow in the summer of 1942 after treatment at the hospital. Directly from the Rzhev Front with a bandaged hand, in a bloodstained padded jacket and tattered boots, he goes on vacation to his mother in the capital. Here, at the height of the war, almost peaceful life is going on - lines for vodka and beer, restaurants for the aristocracy of nomenclature, parties, girls... It’s another month for Volodya to live an ordinary life in Moscow, in a peaceful city in which everything is alien to him.
