Sergei Dyachkov

A mysterious anomaly occurs off the coast of Cuba — a huge water tornado draws in water, draining the ocean. Belka and Strelka are sent by the Soviet rules to the island of fraternal peoples with an intelligence mission. The old friends will see beauties of Cuban nature and the azure expanse to the ocean, and the underwater world shrouded in secrets. They have to go through a series of dangerous adventures that will not only lead them to unravel the Cuban anomaly, but also test their friendship.

Pavel Shnyrev is a professional killer. He has many enemies and a lot of problems.

It is August 1941. With the battle line far away in the east, three soldiers who have managed to escape from captivity find it difficult to hide: the territory is occupied by the enemy. The local woods are not safe: you can easily get embogged. Are the villagers loyal? Nobody can say. There is an old man who offers to help them. Is he reliable enough? He may kill them or report them to the local German authorities. Anything may happen, but one of them, the sniper, is his son who is his youngest, his dearest.


Military doctor General Klenski is arrested in Stalin's Russia in 1953 during an anti-Semitic political campaign accused of being a participant in so-called "doctors' plot".


Nikolai Petrovich comes to St. Petersburg to organize a revolution against the oligarchy.


The actor of the provincial puppet theater comes to try his luck in Leningrad. He stops at his longtime friend - an imitation actor and a big joker. Willingly leaving a friend in his apartment for the night, a friend invites a “call girl” for the guest.