Sergei Selin

The second part of a comedy about a blogger who has to hide within the walls of a monastery from punishment on charges of insulting the feelings of believers.

Character-driven crimedy story. The main characters of the series are the modern musketeers past their prime: crime kingpin from the 90s Garin, honest investigator Shavyrin, former police colonel Tarasov, and a famous writer Nezabudkin delusional about his detective skills. The story starts in a private medical center with Shavyrin diagnosed with a lethal disease. On weighing up all the pros and cons, he decides to end his life only to be interrupted by a doorbell. It’s his daughter Nastya who came from Moscow to Petersburg to start her career as an investigator. There, she makes an acquaintance with Nikita, a young officer from the Criminal investigations department. She doesn’t know, though, that her new friend is the son of the legendary colonel Tarasov, who’s doing his time in jail. Once he’s finally outside, Tarasov plans on killing Garin, who he deems guilty of his imprisonment. Nastya and Nikita learn about Tarasov’s plans and try to stop him while investigating other cases.

Igor, a furniture store manager, tries to figure out what happened during the corporate event which resulted his store to be completely destroyed.


Who said you have to win to be a champion? Slava Kolotiloff, a schoolteacher from a sleepy seaside town by the name of "Fingers" comes to conquer Moscow with the manuscript to his first novel in hand. But instead, quite by accident, he conquers the heart of a beauty named Nadia (Milla Jovovich). As their wedding approaches, Slava needs only to quit his job and tie up loose ends back in "Fingers" before returning to Moscow to start a new life with his new bride. But due to a number of bizarre circumstances he is unable to leave and back in the big city, the wedding goes on regardless as Nadia has to fend off the attentions of her ex-boyfriend Danya, who seems ready to do whatever it takes to win her back.


On the edge of Dushanbe, in the Republic of Tajikistan, a quiet border checkpoint under Russian control is attacked by Afghans and Tajiks who want it under their control.


What is special forces? What motives motivate young people to strive there, in the ranks of fearless fighters, ready any day, at any moment to come to the rescue, when there is danger, when "no one but us"?


Young successful businessman, former orphans Artem Vladimirov together with his partner Sergei Tarasov engaged in the ruin of large companies commissioned by crime.

The mother of a young girl Nina exhausted herself and her daughter talking about marriage. At work, too, talk about it — about finding a rich groom, a successful marriage. But Nina herself believes that everything has its time…


У двадцатилетней Леры Мещериковой сложные отношения с матерью. Отец, бабушка и тетя Ольга любят Леру, но из-за их нерешительности и безволия девушке приходится самостоятельно отстаивать свой выбор. Татьяна не может смириться с тем, что дочь выходит замуж за парня из бедной семьи Дениса и в сердцах рассказывает Лере, что она приемная дочь Мещериковых. Лера уходит жить к Денису, и постепенно ее жизнь налаживается: она мирится с отцом, тот устраивает Дениса на работу, парень с радостью принимает известие, что у него скоро будет ребенок, и Татьяне приходится смириться с браком дочери. Но Леру гложет мысль, что она должна найти свою родную мать — только тогда она сможет разобраться в себе. Если бы девушка знала, что за это ей придется очень дорого заплатить…

A casual companion surrounded Anya with such care and love, which she could not even dream of. And all would be well, but in the way of destined to each other Men and Women a lot of obstacles…

Young girl Nina is falling in love with the orthodox priest with a criminal past.


The action is set in 1970 as the Soviet Union (and the entire progressive world) are preparing to celebrate Lenin's centenary. Not to be outdone, the camp commander decides to have the prisoners put on a play about Lenin's life. However, the ensuing preparations turn everything upside down and seem to offer a God-given chance to plot an escape.


Ivan Khristoforov discovers the strange property of foreseeing explosions. Trying to understand the reason and meaning of this unusual ability, he turns to family history. The attention of the secret public service doesn't bode well for Khristoforov. The imaginary journey of the hero in his past, bearing the imprint of a children's worldview, and the present, at times just like a dream.
