Sergey Puskepalis

The story of the feat of the pilots of the 1st mine-torpedo aviation regiment of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, headed by Colonel Preobrazhensky. They had the most difficult combat mission - to inflict the first bombing strikes on Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany.

There are different children in one ward: one has completely gone into the virtual reality world of computer games and decided that he has ceased to be a person and turned into a Creature. The second, through the fault of his stepfather, was carried away by the ideas of Nazism. The third, a boy from a prosperous family, no longer wanted to live and tried to step off the balcony. The fourth is just silent and hates everyone.


Moscow, 2020. The media warn that a dangerous meteorite will soon sweep near the Earth at great speed. But the wealthy restaurateur Vadim does not care, so he does not change his plans and hurries to celebrate the purchase of a new establishment. On the way to the restaurant, Vadim calls his friend Nina to invite her to a banquet. But due to a time anomaly associated with a meteorite, another Nina, a thirteen-year-old girl who is dying of starvation in cold Moscow in 1942, picks up the phone on the other end.

The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.

An epic, visually stunning series based on the critically acclaimed novel by one of the most popular Russian authors, Alexei Ivanov, combining historical drama with mystery and fantasy.

The film’s two main protagonists are Russia’s best saber fencers. One of them has long been in the limelight, the other only recently made it to the national team and has been winning almost every tournament since. The two athletes begin to fight for supremacy both inside and outside of the arena.

Based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The plot of the new comedy is based on the famous miniatures “Odessa Steamboat”, “Two Apples”, “Meeting at the Distillery” and other works by one of the country's most famous humor writers Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In total - 13 miniatures. The fates of the heroes of each story are intertwined, and the viewer will see a panorama of life in which the head of the transport department could not be heard, the plane’s crew wonders if passengers can land the plane, the barmaid stands at the helm of the ship, and the father teaches his son arithmetic, destroying all the apples in the house...


The main character of the movie is a young man from downtown Moscow. He got everything from his father - his money, car, university. Sasha wants to live his life differently, but doesn't know how... He dreams of being Tsoi or van Gogh. One day Sasha meets Masha, an extraordinary and complex woman. Her mother, an aged actress, is an alcoholic and trying to take her own life. Sasha decides to help the girl


Golden Horde - Russian historical TV show.


История о настоящих Героях, которые живут здесь и сейчас. И на которых хочется быть похожими. Это история о настоящих Женщинах, которые умеют ждать. О людях, которые работают на космос в ЦУПе и Звёздном, на Байконуре и в институте космической медицины. Это кино о Подвиге, настоящей мужской дружбе и большой любви. О том, чего нам в этой жизни так не хватает.

Alexey Tsaryov is a 17-year-old school leader and a promising champion of a junior alpine ski team. Alexey has a girlfriend Lina and a friend Kostya, his rival both in sport and in love. Alexey is first in every way. He is self-confident, he does not know how to lose and does not wish to lose. But suddenly everything changes. After a tragic accident that befalls Alexey because of Kostya, their friendship has to withstand a challenge. But the moral courage, goodness and love will help endure all the ordeals and will bring everyone to their personal victories.

An almost Chekhovian story about a once successful director making his last film, in spite of everything and everybody, in his country house. Strange guests, vain actors, somewhat eccentric neighbours and the director are reason enough for the author’s irony, and sometimes sarcasm. And you remember? Chekhov’s guns always fire!

Elena Mihailovna, having worked all her life in the only school of a provincial town, lives modestly in retirement. Unexpectedly she learns of a fatal diagnosis, which can at any moment end her life. Instead of an unbearable anticipation, she resolutely begins the preparation for her own death, in order to simplify the procedure for her son. She has not seen her only son for over five years because he worrks in the capital. Oleg is constantly busy, and he does not have time for his lonely mother. At the same time with all the new problems, the heroine receives as a gift a huge carp, which changes her life.


As the new year celebrations approach, a bunch of characters throughout Russia experience diverse situations that eventually get interconnected towards a joyous finale.


The story is based on the real events of 1985. The team of a Russian polar icebreaker “Mikhail Gromov” discovered a giant iceberg. The ship came into collision while attempting to take cover from the weather and is forced to drift with ice along the Amundsen Sea coast. The crew of “Gromov” spent 133 days of polar night trying to find a way out of their icy trap. They have no room for mistakes; one wrong move and the vessel is crushed by ice.


A story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in history.


Seven good-ending stories for a whole family.


A story about a simple school literature teacher, Fedorov, who thought his life couldn't become more boring and pointless until he met a strange girl, who stormed into his very ordinary day, accused him of bringing her girl-friend to suicide and turned his life completely.


A story of adoption told without glamour and hypocrisy that usually accompanies this topic.Anna is a top model, who was adopted by a French couple as a child. She returns to her hometown with a charity mission from France.A story of an orphan turned princess becomes a legend in her native provincial town. Anna gets treated like royal person and everyone expects miracles from herAnna is confused and cannot understand what all these people want from her. She is used to a calm and logical western lifestyle. Her home is France, in Russia she is a guest. Horrified, she watches her photographer boyfriend Michelle, admire incomprehensible Russian mentality


Terror strikes the underground train system in Moscow in the form of a flood from a collapsed tunnel. The film follows a diverse group of Moscow citizens who find themselves trapped in the city’s underground rail network, their train derailed and virtually crushed after an aging tunnel collapses. Amongst this band of survivors is softly spoken surgeon Andrey (Sergei Puskepalis), whose wife is having an affair with the conceited businessman Vlad (Anatoly Beliy). Fate brings these two men together on the same doomed train, but there is little time to resolve their differences, as the tunnel begins to quickly fill with water, forcing them to work together with the others and find a way back to the surface.


Everything that matters to Sergey Dovlatov, one way or another written by the writer Sergey Dovlatov. From fragments of works, letters, interviews, editorial columns, a story about a living person is compiled.


Siberia. Late autumn. In taiga, in the deserted village there lives an old man Ivan & his seven-year-old grandson Leshia. A pack of feral dogs devours everything alive in the neighborhood. One of these dogs is Leshia's best friend. Sometimes their relative uncle Yuri brings food to them. Once on his way back from Ivan's village uncle Yuri is attacked by dogs & perishes. Ivan & Leshia stay without supply. Once Leshia witnesses Ivan shooting at 'his' dog & runs away. The old Man finds him in a dry well, but he fails to get him out on his own. Ivan sets out through taiga in search of help. Now the dogs are hunting him... And the boy is waiting for his father...


Sasha, a young student falls in love with... an angel.


Two men at a remote Arctic base begin mistrusting each other after an important radio message.


Действие фильма разворачивается на подворье вдали от города. Это место, где прибился десяток людей со своей историей и непосредственной судьбой. Место, где сталкиваются высокое и низкое, где последние имеют шанс стать первыми, а первые могут стать последними. Управляет этим хозяйством матушка Екатерина. Помогает ей справляться юная послушница Оля, неуклюже простодушная, восхищенная и преданная. Катерина вытащила ее из детского дома. Однажды на подворье появился Паша — возмутитель спокойствия. Словно хозяин жизни, он еще не знает, что смертельно болен. Единственный, кто почувствовал в нем болезнь, это Оля, которая пожалела и полюбила его своей наивной детской душой. Она смогла ему помочь. И жизнь возвращается к нему с весной, как вечное обновление.


A dying actor asks a doctor to help him commit suicide in return for a masterpiece.


The story of four friends, former fellow soldiers from Afghanistan, who meet on the eve of Victory Day to see off a comrade on his last journey.


The story of the search for British gold from the Black Prince warship, which sank off the coast of Balaclava.