Sergey Romanovich

1940. Three little boys find mysterious package from another dimension including the potion allowing the human beings live much longer they do. One of them suddenly dies in the river while others drank the potion. Now they are able to live million more years but still they will never forget what happened with their friend.


A story about bravery, self-sacrifice and human dignity put on trial by the merciless power of nature. A young pilot is fired from military air force after disobeying an absurd order. He gets a job as a co-pilot with a civil airline. Being brutally honest and direct, he is not on best terms with his new colleagues. During a flight to Asia his crew receives a distress message from a volcanic island and makes a decision to attempt a rescue mission. Will it be a success? Will they survive the disaster? They have a single chance to find that out: by being a team and sticking up for one another.


Kostya and his friends are young and love playing street football. He is the coolest of the lot. Kostya dreams of playing professionally, but cannot bring himself to approach the coach. His girlfriend, Nastya, shares his dream, but street football is Kostya’s life, and the outdoor pitch is akin to a second home, a place for friends to meet and play.


5 youths give chase after a man who has stolen 8 million rubles from them. The man reveals on his video blog his intention to travel to Chernobyl. With every kilometer the journey of the heroes becomes more dangerous and confusing.


About the tragic love story against the backdrop of the Caribbean crisis. According to the plot of the film, after the aggravation of relations between the two superpowers in different regions of the Soviet Union, military training for reservists was organized. In a quiet village located somewhere in central Russia, they don’t know anything about the lofty goals of the political leadership of the USSR and the USA. But when men of draft age begin to receive subpoenas from the military registration and enlistment office, the villagers understand: a new war has begun...

Based on the true story of the "death match" where the Soviet team "Start" scored its second victory over the German team «Flakelf» on August 9, 1942


Biography of the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov.


A crime drama about a generational conflict. The main character, who got involved in crime at the end of the 1990s, has his son kidnapped and demanded a ransom. This is how former "fixers" are held hostage by street racers.