Sérgio Cabral

In a time of timeless and revolutionary talents, Wilson Simonal shined as nobody before and innovated as only a few could. All of a sudden, everything vanished. This film maps the spectacular trajectory of the ex-Army corporal that ruled as a monarch, and was condemned to ostracism for an offense to which he pleaded not guilty.


Documentary on the life and times of one of the most prominent Brazilian samba composers, Cartola (Angenor de Oliveira).


Documentary about Marcel Camus' 1959 film Black Orpheus, its cultural and musical roots, and its resonance in Brazil today.


Evandro Teixeira is one of the leading names in world photojournalism, with a career spanning more than 37 years in the Brazilian press. Baiano from Jequié, chose Rio de Janeiro to settle down and it was in Jornal do Brasil that he spent most of his career. In addition to an untiring photographic reporter, he also traveled to Brazil to search for images of Brazilians and recorded important events in the history of Brazil and the world, in coverage of national and international events.
