Sergio Galliani

Martina and Sofía love each other and want to start a family, but the process is proving to be difficult and expensive… very expensive. Martina naively makes a reckless decision: she devises a crazy plan to get pregnant and she succeeds. Now he has two serious problems to solve: first, that Sofía never agreed with the plan and she is very furious, and second, that the "plan", whose name is Facundo, wants to enter their lives since he has just discovered his unexpected paternity.

Following the crazy advice of two shamans, an aspiring chef appeals to an incredible resource to win a national cooking competition: he publicly commits to personally dive to the bottom of the sea, find a sleeping shark, wake it up and turn it into a ceviche.


During 1648, a dreaded commissioner of the Holy Inquisition arrives at Santiago. Social, political and religious life is shaken when six respected and married women are accused of committing the sin of fornication.

Juan, a young man convicted of terrorism, is given amnesty from a Lima prison; he boards a bus to return home and, in his mind's eye, recalls events in his village near Huaraz when he was 10 or 12. His father is long dead, his mother lives with Fermin, secretly a sympathizer with the Communist guerrillas in the hills. Town leaders are assassinated at night. When Juan discovers Fermin's secret, Juan is spirited away to the guerrillas to learn Marxist slogans and how to fight. When the band decides to attack the town to avenge the death of a comrade, Juan must choose.
