Sergio Olhovich

Several intertwined stories that occur in Mexico City

Short documentary about religious syncretism in Guatemala

Short documentary. Plot unknown.

Ana starts falling in love with an ecologist engineer that comes with her father who is from Russia.


Short documentary. Plot unknown.

Short documentary about Lazaro Cardenas' presidency.

Short documentary about the Tabasco Carnival, one of the most important in Mexico

Mexican feature film


1870s Arizona. A man guides a horse-drawn plow while his young son walks alongside. A woman washes clothes outside while her teenage daughter draws fresh water from a well. The children, called Dee and Jensie, race each other to a nearby river. They pause briefly at the graves of their two deceased sisters.\n\nAt the river, Jensie gently splashes around while Dee fishes a short distance away. A bandit on horseback passes by. He notices Jensie, and she sees him. She shouts to Dee, telling him to run and get help. The bandit grabs Jensie and carries her away on his horse. Dee gets back home and alerts his parents. Pa sets out on a horse to rescue Jensie.\n\nJensie jumps off the bandit's horse and tries to escape, but he corners her. Pa searches on his horse.


Biographical documentary short film about the life and work of the Mexican printmaker Leopoldo Méndez.

Short film. Plot unknown.

The inner demons of an aspiring writer, whose dissatisfaction has pushed him to alcohol and drugs, lead him to his self-destruction under the guise of confusing political positions.


Short film. Unknown plot.

Short documentary about the mexican parastatal textile industry

Short animated film. Plot unknown.

Short documentary. Plot unknown.

Eduardo, a typical bourgeois man from Mexico City, goes on a business trip to a province, accompanied by his lover. While there, he picks up a large sum of money and, after a spat with his lover, sets off on his drive back to the city alone. On the way, his car gets stuck in the mud and he's helped by four campesinos who ask him for a ride to the city in return. The trip proves extremely tense for Eduardo, who's increasingly gripped by paranoid fears that the men intend to rob and murder him.


Indian village experiences forced relocation; their experience is paralleled by that of other groups dating back to the 18th century.


Short documentary about the IPN

Character study of a wealthy family in decay and their servants.


Short documentary about the 2nd Congress of Indigenous Peoples

Short documentary. Plot unknown.

Alberto is a journalist who remembers an event 15 years ago, when his friend Gabriel saved a girl from a fire suffering third-degree burns. When he tells the story to his friends, one of them asks him to write it with realism, so Alberto comes back to his old town to meet Gabriel again.


Lost film. The director would comment on it: "I did another one in '72, which unfortunately was never shown. Rather, they kidnapped it and I never heard from it again..."

A man becomes more and more infatuated with his childhood sweetheart leading to a haunting encounter with horror.


Tribute to Leopoldo Méndez, a prominent Mexican artist, considered the most important printmaker in Contemporary Mexico

During a night road trip, an affluent and judgmental man is forced to take a quartet of Indians with suspicious appearance and behavior. This short film would inspire the feature film Drizzle (Llovizna, 1978)

Short student film based on the Carlos Fuentes' novel, about the last days of an elderly man.

Short student film. Plot unknown.


Short student film. Plot unknown.

Short student film. Plot unknown.

Liu is a young barrel maker and is recognized by the guild as a master, but no one truly believes in his qualities. After a long wait, he receives a commission from Karata to make him a barrel. Georgi Djulgerov's student film based on 'The Exam' by Nikolai Haitov.

A chronicle of the Mexican oil expropriation in 1938 through the eyes of President Lazaro Cardenas and journalist Alberto Miranda.