Sergio Vastano

A man falls in love with a dude after a corneal transplantation.


The brave Baccello, at the time departed as a young crusader for the Holy Land, returns to Sarnano where he is anxious to find his beautiful wife Ubalda to whom on the day of departure he had a sturdy chastity belt worn ...


Four ambitious women are ready to do anything to make a name in show business.


An Italian made for television musical comedy.


Willy, Giacomo, Lorenzo e Sandro sono 4 giovani yuppies rampanti nella "Milano da bere" degli anni '80, che vivono nel mito dell'Avvocato Gianni Agnelli e di Silvio Berlusconi; il loro unico scopo nella vita è apparire anziché essere. Giacomo è un pubblicitario, Lorenzo è un notaio, Sandro è un dentista, e Willy è un venditore di automobili.


Lino lives in Turin with the family of his sister. He doesn't have a good job and never enough money. But in a day his life changes: he wins 1 billion dollars in a lottery and... everyone becomes a friend, the girl who he liked becomes his girlfriend and his sister begins to love him. He leaves Turin with his friend Parola and, in a Casino, he looses all money! But luck returns...


Drive In is an Italian television variety show, broadcast by Italia 1 between 1983 and 1989. It was referred as the most innovative and popular Italian television show of the 80s.
