Setchin Kawaya

Nothing's as it seems when a charismatic conman and an aspiring film crew delve into the lives of two emotionally scarred women.


A con man and a would-be filmmaking crew force themselves into the lives of two grief-scarred young women. But nothing is as it seems.


A man, who once dreamed of becoming a punk rocker, is working as a low salaryman at a musical instrument parts company. He’s secretly in love with his colleague. One day, he finds a little turtle on the rooftop, naming it Pikadon.


Set after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, all 14-year-old Sumida Yuichi wants to become is a regular boy and live a decent life. His environment though repeatedly drags him into the mud. He runs his parent's rental boat business, which is located next to a nondescript lake. His mother frequently comes home with different men and soon she leaves him entirely. His father only comes around looking for money. Chazawa Keiko is a classmate of Sumida Yuichi. She harbors a severe crush on Yuichi. Keiko's home life isn't much better than Yuichi's. Her mother builds a gallows with a noose in place for Keiko to take her own life. Her mother believes her life would be better off without Keiko. Under these circumstances, Keiko pays a visit to Yuichi's home. A group of people are lingering nearby who live in makeshift tents on the property. Keiko tries to befriend Yuichi, but she is berated and even physically assaulted. She doesn't get deterred though and sticks around.


The story of a teenage boy named Yu, who falls for Yoko, a girl he runs into while working as an "up-skirt" photographer in an offshoot of the porn industry. His attempts to woo her are complicated by a spot of cross-dressing - which convinces Yoko that she is lesbian - dalliances with kung-fu and crime, and a constant struggle with the guilt that's a legacy of his Catholic upbringing.


Light Yagami finds the "Death Note," a notebook with the power to kill, and decides to create a Utopia by killing the world's criminals, and soon the world's greatest detective, "L," is hired to find the mysterious murderer. An all out battle between the two greatest minds on earth begins and the winner will control the world.


On her 18th birthday, Ami Nonomura wants to meet her father and brother who live far away. While searching for her brother's house, she is attacked by a thief, but is helped by Hiroshi Tazaki. They fall in love but discover that they are siblings.


Sex Machine tells of the affable but simple Hiroshi, who during one sweltering summer in a small, parochial town, moves in with his girlfriend, Haruka. Their lovemaking is as athletic as it is bizarre but a dark storm comes looming when Haruka's ex boyfriend comes knocking at the door.


Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.


Yuki is a sought-after hooker, who also has a special ability: she can see ghosts! Yuki is very distraught by the ghost images, and it starts affecting her performance at work. One of the ghosts makes an attempt to communicate with her and ask her for help. Yuki tries to find out what he's attempting to say and assist him, with the hopes that this will allow her to stop being troubled by what she sees.


A seasoned detective is called in to rescue a politician held hostage by a lunatic. In a brief moment of uncertainty, he misses the chance for action. Leaving his job and family without explanation, he makes his way to a mountain forest, encountering a peculiar tree called Charisma.


Pink film by Hiroyoshi Takishima.

Psycho-mystery in which two men confront each other over the murder of a woman in Shibuya.

A police officer leaves the force in the face of harrowing personal and professional difficulties. Spiraling into a depression, he makes questionable decisions.
