Severino Dadá

Film started in 1991, interrupted due to technical problems and finished in 2010. The camera travels along the banks of the Amazon, focusing on the diversity of virgin flora. Walks among trails of kindling culminating in the folkloric march of Marajoara rhythms. The film is a tribute to Professor Lindalva Caetano, Researcher of Folklore Marajoara.

A short film that emulates the activities of early Brazilian filmmakers known as "cavadores".

Documentary about the trajectory of Antônio Polo Galante, known as "The King of Boca". The film maps work and forms of production in Boca do Lixo, popular area in Luz neighborhood located downtown São Paulo, where usually night clubs and sexual services establishments were located.

The life of Brazilian actress Odete Lara, muse of the movement called Cinema Novo in Brazil, who exchanged stardom for a quiet and religious life.


A brief story about the power of the wind: it erases lines, destroys houses and carries people. The blow that creates men, uniting them or separating them.

In Rio de Janeiro, after an altercation with his father and mother, a young man named Bebeto kills his family and goes to a movie theater, where he watches four weird vignettes.


Orson Welles acted in Brazilian culture and music by deeply researching Brazil's historical geology, consciously completing a legendary cultural mission. Although being turned down by Hollywood producers, he developed a triumphantly accomplished mission in the language domain - three friends of Welles' testified his love for cinema, his passion for Brazilian music and people and his obstinate endurance against formidable pressures coming from inside and outside Hollywood regarding his unfinished "It's All True".


In 1988, the centenary of abolition of slavery in Brazil, Zózimo Bulbul made this powerful historical analysis of racial issues in his country. This documentary provides an in-depth look through extensive archival researching and interviews of key figures who were involved in preserving black culture. Aside from historical testimony, this epic documentary also points to the current relevance of facing the racism that still confronts the black population in Brazil.


Orson Welles goes to Brazil to shoot his documentary It's All True.


Zózimo Bulbul’s film is dedicated to Zumbi dos Palmares and to all Maroons dead and alive. It portrays the life of Aniceto, who was 72 years old at the time: a union leader, a stevedore at the Rio de Janeiro port and founder of Escola de Samba Império Serrano

When a prominent U.S. Nobel Laureate arrives in Salvador, Bahia, the city with the largest black population in Brazil, he stirs emotions by championing a long-forgotten local writer named Pedro Archanjo, who believed that humanity would be improved only through miscegenation.
