Sha-Li Chen

Madame Tang colludes and mediates between the government and the private businesses for the benefits of her all-female family. One case does not go according to plan, and an entire family close to Madame Tang fall victim to a gruesome murder. Ambition, desire and lust eventually change Tang's relationships with her own family forever.


In this drama, the harsh treatment of women in Chinese society is examined and subtly commented upon as it tells the tale of an impoverished woman living in Shanghai, circa 1910 who tries to support her brother and sister-in-law. A marriage to a wealthy man is arranged for her, and reluctantly she endures it, even though she does not love the man who is as cruel as he is wealthy. His mother is also brutally unkind to her. She then has a son, but her struggles are not over when her husband dies and only leaves her a modest inheritance. Her wretched life has made her bitter, and so she begins making her son suffer as she die; she also becomes addicted to opium.


A woman seeks revenge against the people responsible for her sister's death.


Taiwanese romantic comedy.

As a young man (Ti Lung), the nameless swordsman is building a reputation in the territory. He's highly regarded enough to be a target in his own right, as we see when a swordswoman intrudes on his bath to attack him.


Taiwanese huangmei opera film.


Taiwanese romance film released to commemorate the 9th anniversary of First Films' founding.

Taiwanese romance film.

Taiwanese war film based on the true story of a small group of Chinese flying aces in 1937 at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War, specifically the Battle of Shanghai and the Battle of Nanking.


Lady Karate focuses on Yoshiko's mission to persuade China's la emperor, Puyi to leave his comfortable existence in Tientsin and journey back to Manchuria to be the figurehead ruler of Manchukuo under the direction of the Japanese occupiers. She has ten days to finish the job or she'll be obligated to commit hara-kiri at the end of it. She also has enemies among the Japanese military who want to maintain control over Pu Yi themselves.


Alan Tang plays an engineering student in Taipei, Taiwan who meets and falls in love with another college student played by Brigitte Lin. Tang is the rich spoiled playboy son of a wealthy builder. When he meets Brigitte, Tang's life changes and he becomes very serious about her. There are many wonderful romantic scenes between the two on the beach and in the country under a maple tree.

A most touching and consistently heart-gripping war drama depicts the heroic deeds of General Chang Tsu-chung who was even held in high esteem and dubbed as “Mars of China” by his Japanese counterpart, General Itagaki during Sino-Japanese war.


A taiwanese romance set during the summer starring Brigitte Lin.

A group of travelers get trapped in a haunted house.

Ma Tsai-Tung, a vagabond, doesn't have enough money to pay for his meal in a restaurant. He is beaten up but is saved by pretty Shirley and her fiancé Buffalo Hsiung with the help of their friend Ken Chan Lee. Restaurant owner Kao, hears that Ma is still alive, so he decides to finish him off.


The tragic romance of a young girl who attempts suicide for the "secret" love she has for her father.

A father tricks his three daughters into joining him on a mountain excursion to search for food. Deceiving his children, the father is actually searching for a hidden treasure relayed to him by an old monk.


Lo Wen (Chin Han) is enamored of his college sweetheart Xiao Yu (Brigitte Lin), and the two wish to get married as soon as they possibly can. But Lo Wen's uncle and Xiao Yu's parents are opposed to an immediate union, both thinking that the couple is too young to properly make a life for themselves. Determined to prove the adults wrong, the young couple create their "House of Love", a cheap home the two plan to renovate into their dream residence. They plan to get part-time jobs and make their own way in the world, but the going is tougher than they imagined. Can two young lovers make it in the real world without the help or support of their families?

A romantic melodrama starring Brigitte Lin.

The story begins with a feud between two families in the early days of the Republic of China. One family side’s with the Japanese and the other is totally wiped out. Enter our hero who resolves to wreak revenge on the murderous traitors — its furious kung fu fighting all the way!


They are the girls of the night. This is their base of operations, House 102, to be exact. Here they answer calls from the many hotels, ride out there on the back of motorcycles and give their jaded customers what is generally described as a nice time. Hu Ma, manager, transport man, body guard and procurer of House 102 discovers A-chiao at the railway station and is delighted to know she is a virgin...

In this martial arts anthology film, Wang Yu plays three different characters, each of whom must employ his fighting skills to the full.


Silver Maid, a young girl, becomes caught up in the struggle between two warring sects, the Red Devils and the Black Devils. At the same time, she is on a quest to find the Fairy Fungus, which is the only means of curing her ailing grandfather. Getting it requires that she defeat a quintet of vermin-based fighters known as the Five Poisonous Creatures, who include among their number a giant puppet snake. This accomplished, everyone sets off in search of a magical superweapon called the Sacred Tooth.