Shan Mao

The Wu Tang hire a formidable leg fighter Kao to fight the Saholin Loyalist Hu Hui Chien


Millionaire Chu Te-Sa (Chiang) invests his considerable wealth into the rebel movement who are intent on usurping the ruling Mongol powers. His goals are impeded by a lack of support though and the supposed allies he has made in the town are merely eager to get their hands on his money. During an attack where these craven 'comrades' flee, Chu befriends three con-artists who relish the chance to show off their fighting skills. The trio subsequently agree to help Chu in his quest to end Mongol rule and hatch a plan to destroy a major munitions dump


The "Godfather Of The Kung-Fu Film" created this rousing epic of a seemingly suicidal mission to destroy the Japanese Navy's flagship in 1937, featuring many great actors he had worked with over the years. Their courageous and desperate attempts to do just that comprise the remarkable action in this rousing epic, featuring some of the greatest actors Chang had ever made, was making, and would ever make famous. (IVL)


There is no place more hallowed in the martial art world than China's Shaolin Temple. This special place deserves a special epic, which is what the martial arts maestro delivers in this battle between a brave brand of Chinese boxers and literally thousands of Ching troops - complete with betrayals, intrigues, and such novel fighting machines as 108 wooden robots. The conflicts grow in complexity, intensity and even suspense as monks struggle to stay alive in the face of overwhelming odds.


A most touching and consistently heart-gripping war drama depicts the heroic deeds of General Chang Tsu-chung who was even held in high esteem and dubbed as “Mars of China” by his Japanese counterpart, General Itagaki during Sino-Japanese war.


The famous story of the Shaolin Temple's betrayal by the White-Browed Hermit, and the subsequent revenge by Shaolin firebrand Fang Shih-yu, is the stuff of legend. It has been filmed many times by many directors, but few are remembered as fondly as this production. The potent combination of director Chang Cheh and international idol Alexander Fu Sheng caught lightning in a lens.


A one-armed martial arts master is being stalked by an Imperial assassin, the master of two fighters killed in the previous film. When the One-Armed Boxer is invited to attend a martial arts tournament, his efforts to lay low are unsuccessful, and the assassin soon tracks him down with the help of his three subordinates: a Thai boxer, a yoga master, and a kobojutsu user.


Stone, a martial arts teacher and avid Bruce Lee fan, is crushed when he learns of his hero's sudden death. After a night of trying to drink himself out of his depression, Stone receives a vision of Lee instructing him to investigate the circumstances of master's death. Stone soon finds that Lee was the victim of foul play, and quickly puts into action his plan for bringing the murderers to justice.


An honourable carriage driver finds love and death when he battles particularly homicidal street punks


Tiger Wong (Jimmy Wang Yu) is a student of martial arts who made a promise to his late father never to show his martial arts skills in public. a gang of mercenaries raid a nearby village. The villagers, led by Fong Li, send a party to ask for his help. But Tiger Wong refuses to help or get involved in the trouble. Only after seeing the brutality of the gang does he decide to take some action.

The year is 1366. The emperor makes a deal with a neighboring Manchu emperor, leading to a plot to frame patriotic General Shung in a court martial. Shung believes he will receive a fair trial and goes along willingly. But some of his supporters are not so trusting, and they shadow him on his journey to the palace & now the trouble really starts.


A young man (Bruce Li) unwittingly gets wrapped up in a money scam. When he refuses to give the cash back, the bad guys kidnap his girlfriend and hold her hostage in the Tower Of Death. Once there, he is given two options. Watch his girlfriend get thrown off the top or fight various martial artists on 7 different levels to win his girlfriend back.


Chan Biu (Tsai Hung) is a crook who decides to rob from his own business. Smugglers, via a boat, smuggle in some items (concealed in a bag), he robs the recipient before agreeing with his collaborators to split up and share the loot at a derelict town.

Chia plays a government agent, Iron Phoenix, who’s after a bunch of crooked miners, and Barry plays a boastful young man without much fu talent. Iron Phoenix teaches Barry some martial arts skills, mainly because it helps her investigations about the miners, as she waits for her chance to strike and close down their illicit operation.


A playboy who finally settles down fights off a gang of thugs harrassing him and his wife but does not reckon with an ex-lover who tips off the gang's boss.

Two policemen try to defeat a drug lord using the ancient art of Kung Fu.


In the early days of the war of resistance against the foreign power invasion, Wu is captured and most of his family members are brutally murdered. Wu swears to seek revenge. He tracks down the murderers one by one.

Frank the carpenter is in love with Hsiao Cheng, his boss's daughter. Frank knows there is no hope for him to marry the daughter of the haughty, rich man, and pronounces a vow to become a Shaolin monk. The wife of Frank's former boss has an extra-marital affair with the carpenter-shop's foreman. When the boss finds out, the foreman kills him, and sets the blame on Frank. Frank will fight for his honour, and wins back his good name - but not his former love.


A group of thiefs takes over a village. The main character is the blacksmith of the village. He has a criminal record as a thief but has served his time and now earns an honest living. He is first accused by the citizens of the village, but eventually he finds out the true criminals and challenges them.


A father tricks his three daughters into joining him on a mountain excursion to search for food. Deceiving his children, the father is actually searching for a hidden treasure relayed to him by an old monk.


Thriller from Taiwan.

Antonio, a travelling missionary priest, seems innocent — until he wields his cross (containing a hidden treasure) as a weapon during a train robbery. While on the train he befriends a man named Dragon, who helps him fight the bandits who want the cross.

Rare was the film in 1973 that incorporated the star's name in the title. One of the few such films was Screaming Ninja, aka Wang Yu, King of Boxing. The story is set in China in the early 1900x. Essentially playing an extension of himself, action-star Wang-Yu spends much of the time defending himself against evil martial-arts masters. He also tries to make sense of a tragic incident in his past.


A sort of re-telling of Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai”. This time the protagonists are a group of Chinese villagers who must band together to recruit outside help to defend themselves against marauding Japanese pirates demanding protection money. Set in year 1556, it’s supposedly based on true events occurring during the twilight of the Ming Dynasty.


Martian arts film from Taiwain directed by Kim Lung.

Here's a foxy tale of love, pigtails and slapped faces with a spitfire heroine that fights Yasuaki Kurata and his bully gang in old china town.


Flight Man takes place in Taiwan in 1933, when the country was under Japanese occupation after the First Sino-Japanese War. The Taiwanese people have signed a petition to have the Japanese establish a Taiwan council, but instead this merely provokes the Japanese police to hunt down and round up everyone who signed the petition.


Chia Ling plays the title character, who wields her way through a standard martial arts premise, but demonstrates tremendous grace and agility as she chops, kicks, and flies through the air.

Barry Chan plays the Canton kid a kung fu fanatic who takes on three vicious kung fu thugs who after being released from jail have come to Canton looking to cause a lot of trouble and to settle old scores.


The Righteous Club of Chinese martial artists meet to drive out the evil Japanese invaders but first they must overcome their own personal differences.

A young swordsman is sent to the city of Lo Yang to help his father's benefactor Inspector Chang from the four monsters-which are causing him a lot of grief. Four of the most violent martial artists in China.

A young Chinese all-karate champion, Tze Chiang (Kurata Yasuaki), along with his Japanese wife, arrives home in Shanghai only to find that the situation there has become intolerable. Now, he is a foreigner in his own land due to a Japanese occupation! Tze Chiang soon discovers that his parents have been murdered by a local Marshall, so the military can use the Chiang's family home as a post.

Tien Lung, the best fighter at the Ching Te martial arts school, gets into a fight with the Hook Gang, part of a local opium-dealing and prostitution ring run by a man named Chao, and easily defeats them. The beaten Hook gang members return to Chao, who is so infuriated that he goes to the Ching Te dojo and challenges Tien's master, Hang Tui, to a fight. Hang Tui quickly defeats Chao, leaving him even more humiliated. Chao plans his revenge by hiring a group of mercenary martial artists from Shanghai; two karate experts and their teacher, a Judo master, a Taekwondo expert, two Thai boxing fighters, a Yoga expert, and two mystic Tibetan lamas. With this group, Chao easily destroys the Ching Te school and all of their businesses, leaving everyone dead except for Tien Lung who loses his right arm. Tien Lung vows revenge and begins his training to destroy anyone and everyone who stands in his way.


Believing that her brother has been murdered, a martial artist (Nancy Yen) sets out to avenge him.


Hong Kong superstar Jimmy "One Arm Boxer" Wang Yu stars as the Bamboo blade, China's top swordsman. His services are rendered by the Imperial treasury who want him to infiltrate a powerful gang of Highwaymen and get back the stolen silver bullion. After numerous deadly encounters the gang are beaten by the bamboo sword and only the gang leader remains, however he is a lot tougher than was originally bargained for.


Six Top martial art masters battle it out for supremacy in the much troubled martial world.