Sheila Howard

Big hair, big guns, big personalities, and a serious lack of wardrobe. She-Wolves of the Wasteland, a post-apocalyptic story that features women--lots and lots of women--who leave little to the imagination as they battle each other in various junkyards and gravel pits to determine the fate of the entire world.


Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, her twin sister, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.


Ralph Higbee is a 40-year-old drunkard who lives with his mother to take care of her. When his mother dies, he picks up three women who persuade him to take LSD for an experience. Seeking a companionship to replace his mother, Ralph meets and soon marries Josephine, but he is unable to satisfy her constant desire for sex. He leaves her when he finds out that she has other male and female lovers. Ralph marries a second time, but his second wife, Amanda, is also unfaithful and wants to scam him out of most of his money. Marring for the third time, Ralph is finally happy... until he cheats on her for no good reason and when she finds out... there will literal hell to pay
