Shinya Watada

The Gunpla Force Battle Tournament is a big event held in GBN once per year. Competing in the final round are Avalon, led by the champion Kyoya Kujo, and the elite 7th Panzer Division led by the cunning Rommel. Starting with Kyoya's Gundam AGE II Magnum, a variety of Gunpla take to the field to determine which is the strongest force!


With the intention of appearing in an event on a southern island, the students of Four Star Academy are taking off! There, rumors about a pair of legendary dresses sleeping within the island... A story about Yume and Laura's friendship, with S4 taking the stage together for the first time. Furthermore, putting the legendary dresses into a Dress Make... A thrilling and exciting Aikatsu! story is coming to theaters this summer!


An Aikatsu! All-Star awards ceremony will take place. The film will feature songs and stages featured throughout the anime series.


Two fates that never should have crossed paths... Asemu Asuno, son of the Earth Federation Forces commander Flit Asuno. Zeheart Galette, a warrior who throws himself into battle for the sake of the Vagan people. For a brief while they spent time together, formed a friendship, and sometimes quarreled, even as they looked up at the same cosmos. But the time has come for a bitter parting. When those two boys met, was it the beginning of a tragedy, or the light that leads to hope? Out among the stars, they cross swords, shout each other's names, and shed tears. Tossed about by war, these two bring together their hopes and dreams in one future.

Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team - Battle in Three Dimensions is a short film bundled with Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Blu-ray Memorial Box-set. The 08th M.S. Team travels through the jungle while on a mission, Shiro Amada checks his map and stops when he spots a long bridge up ahead that spans a wide river, when they are attacked by a group of Zeon.