Shunji Sakai

Popular Japanese Group Sounds band, The Spiders, star in their second movie, a "HELP!" inspired rock n roll spy movie!

The second of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.

The first of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.

When a group of men from the Hanya clan search his town for a missing geisha, a brave ronin decides to help her and a drunken calligrapher. In doing so, he uncovers a wider scheme.


Jubei must stop evil plot of Lord Hayatonosho who secretly plans to overthrow the Shogunate.

This is one of the many films based on the legend of Chuji Kunisada, a wandering gambler and a defender of the weak in the Edo period. In other words, he was the Japanese Robin Hood. In this film Kunisada (Chiezo Kataoka) arrives to a small town terrorized by an evil gang. He insists that he is not Kunisada, as the word is Kunisada has been executed, but of course the audience know better. Sonny Chiba plays an unusual supporting role as a helpless young man unable to defend himself from the gangsters. He does, however, get to play taiko drums and dance with Junko Fuji (who makes her film debut here). Chiba's father, an old judge who helps Kunisada, is played by Takashi Shimura. The film hardly anything exceptional, but it's a pretty decent jidai geki / yakuza drama.

Ryujin Misaki, located at the edge of the Genkai Sea, is known as an isolation ward for leprosy patients. When Saotome, a sword master and guard of the Shogun, hears news of a doctor gone missing, he begins to suspect that things are not what they seem at Ryujin Misaki. Intent on discovering the truth, Saotome launches a private investigation.

Gonzo, who longs to become a full-fledged samurai, is caught up in a warlord conflict.


The warlords overrun the country while the farmers are starving, and forced to become soldiers to keep the wolf from the door. The farmers are recruited in groups of fifteen. In Yaju's village, there are only twelve men, so they press Oto, who looks more like a boy than a girl, to join, disguised as a man.

A country boss gives up his way of life because of his daughter's marriage.

A group of men living a low life in Edo help each other to make the best out of their lives.

Umon goes on an investigation to unveil the murderer known as Red Lizard.


Bunkichi disguises himself as a yakuza to solve a mysterious death.

A kabuki actor is assassinated during a New Year celebration show, in front of everyone, fortunately the great detective Umon is among the audience. Along with his quirky assistant they set on the trail of revenge killing. Revenge for what? Who and where is the killer? And what does a treasure and swastika spider tattoos have to do with the case?

An injured Edo official is rescued by a vassal whose appearance is exactly like himself, and swears to sweep out the criminals from the town on his behalf.


Friendship between an ambitious young thief and an artist during the Warring States period.

Playhouse employees Okimi and Otoshi become involved in an undercover officer’s investigation of a gang when they accidentally walk in on a drug deal taking place at their theater.


The serial killing of a samurai each night by strangulation at various temples confounds investigators and brings a chill to the residents of Edo. With the capital on edge, master crimefighter Kondo Umon is brought in to try and solve the case. His illustrious career aside, Umon must risk his own life, time and time again in order to bring the culprit to justice. This mystery will keep you guessing until the exciting climax. Umon has a flair for the dramatic and will hopefully solve the case before more innocent victims have their lives claimed!

During the middle of the Kanei Period (1624-1644) Japan was in the early stages of its most peaceful era. This left a large number of unemployed samurai with nothing to do, and their morale suffered. In order to raise their spirits, the Shogun's Chief Advisor suggests that they hold a "Festival of Swordsmen" in the Shogun's presence. Problems arise when some of the martial artists bring their personal grudges to the competition. When Busshi Shirogoro (OTOMO) meets the daughter of the late Lord SANADA Yukimura sparks fly as she tries to use the competition to carry out her vengeance against Shogun Iemitsu.


Two groups are after the legendary Yagyu Secret Scrolls. A princess of a disgraced clan and her loyal servant want it to clear their family's name. And a rival clan wants it to destroy the Yagyu family. Only master swordsman, Yagyu Jubei stands in their way. What is the secret that is hidden away in the scrolls?


Sugimoto Gonkuro is travelling along from Tosa to Edo. On his journey he will meet both good and bad people.

Upon his arrival to Dragon Island, ronin Yagi Hanzo, is propositioned by various shady individuals representing rival gangs to lend his services to them. Branded an enemy for his refusal to become involved with either side, he soon finds himself caught up in an intrigue extending beyond petty gang rivalries, involving a plot by Daimyo in Kyoto to overthrow the government.


1716, Yoshimune becomes the 8th Shogun as high Shogunate officials are attacked. While the government tries to keep these incidents under wraps, they must take any means possible to get to the bottom of this mystery and find out who is behind them.

Japanese comedy film.


Yae and Kiku, daughters of drapers in Edo, must travel to Kyoto in place of their sickly fathers to attend to some businesses affairs. On their way to Kyoto, the two ladies are ambushed by a group of bandits. However a good Samaritan named Santaro comes to their rescue. Santaro is aiding a young samurai named Sanshiro who is on an official mission to deliver a message to a noble in Kyoto. When Yae and Kiku discover that a gang of assassins is after Sanshiro, they decide to help Sanshiro to complete his mission.

A Tokugawa Daimyo rebels against an his lord after the battle of Sekigahara. Samurai Matabei, a famous spear fighter and warrior, is a vassal of lord Honjo. One of Honjo's most trusted under-lords is Sanzaemon. He has designs on Matabei's fief, and he plots to kill Matabei. He finally convinces Lord Honjo of Matabei's guilt. Now Matabei must fight to survive.


This is the second film in the popular black and white series about the master swordsman, Yagyu Jubei. When the Yagyu clan falls victim to rival Kasumi spies, Yagyu Jubei is called to action to protect them. But in performing his duty, he becomes the target of those who wish to destroy his clan.

Second "Pfc. Story" sequel and the ninth and final sequel to "Story of Second Class Private", the only one in both series not directed by Seiichi Fukuda.

Detective Umon’s services are called upon when ronin Yaichiro is killed with a peculiar weapon, a stone wrapped in a towel.

Namie's back in trouble, after getting snatched by an evil gang in search of the treasure. Kirimaru sets out to rescue his sweetheart and falls in with a band of pirates also hunting the hidden stash.

The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!


Detective Hanshichi solves 3 mysterious murder cases.

Some of the finest jidai-geki actors appear in this exciting and entertaining tale of intrigue and action in old Japan. Teaming up the ever-popular Misora Hibari with the greatest samurai action hero of all-time Wakayama Tomisaburo is a brilliant stoke of casting. Hibari takes on the role of Mori no Ishimatsu, a young man who gets involved with real-life Yakuza legend, Shimizu no Jirocho, 'Boss of the Tokaido'. Ishimatsu manages to interfere with a dispute between the Shimizu and their competition, the Marugame family, even going so far as to become an avenger's assistant. It's not the first time Hibari has played a man in a film (also in Benten Kozo), and her acting skills are at their best as she mixes in a bit of humor along with excellent swordplay. Wakayama Tomisaburo, as always, gives an outstanding performance as the powerful and beloved Yakuza Boss Jirocho.


Tsunokichi and Ken face off against a rival yakuza in Kyushu.

One of Japan's most enduring stories is the true-life yakuza boss Jirocho of Shimizu and his gang as they took over the Tokaido Highroad and went on to everlasting fame. Many of the gang members have become household names although their backgrounds and how they came to join the group are mostly lost in the mists of a time gone by. This is the tale of Masa, who arrived in Shimizu Port hungry and down on his luck. His adventures contain some light-hearted moments as he meets up with the other gang members and goes on to join the group and become one of their best swordsmen. A truly exciting tale starring the ever-popular Okawa Hashizo along with all-time great Okochi Denjiro.

Umon’s services are called upon when innocent bystanders, Kayo and Minokichi, along with the ronin, Gontaro are mistakenly identified as suspects in several recent murder cases. To prove their innocence and uncover the truth, Umon launches his own investigation.

Magically gifted boy Sasuke lives in peace, deep in the forest with his animal pals and Oyu, his elder sister. After their forest sanctuary is violated by a demon witch who devours one of Sasuke's animal companions, he vows vengeance. Leaving the forest, he sets out to master his magical gifts, making a pilgrimage to the home of the wizard Hakuunsai. While Sasuke learns the ways of magic, the demon witch terrorizes the countryside, and Sasuke works to complete his training in time.


A classic battle between good and evil pits an unscrupulous fortuneteller who has been preying on the good citizens of Edo against a master-less samurai who founded a school for underprivileged children in a poor neighborhood. Into the mix comes a young woman running away from a forced marriage disguised as a teenage boy and becomes a student of the beloved Sensei, while he staves off the advances of a skilled pickpocket and prepares for a bloody showdown against a direct retainer of the shogun!


An action-packed, dramatic gangster film.

Featuring some of the finest swordsmen ever to grace the silver screen, this Toei classic tells the story of a battle between the evil sword style called ”Otonashi” (The Silent Form) and the proper way of swordsmanship as promoted by such historical stalwarts as Shimada Toranosuke, and the mysterious Honda Sakon, who face off against a group masquerading as the lord of Mito and his traveling bodyguards Suke-san and Kaku-san. The plot thickens as their leader unveils his secret plan to disrupt the stability of the nation. It is all in the name of swordsmanship, and as the title implies there are no stronger swordsmen!


Magistrate Ooka-Echizen faces a crime over a pillbox.

Five swordsmen are murdered and hung in a tree and the chase is on to find the killers. Two magistrates pursue the leads to solve the crime and it leads to a potential conspiracy to kill the Shogun.


Saotome, a sword master and guard of the Shogunate, pursues the mystery of a deadly aerial weapon that is responsible for the multiple deaths in town.

Best friends Gentaro and Sanpei become fateful enemies when Sanpei steals a secret document revealing the identity of the chosen successor to the Tokugawa Shogun. Gentaro of the Owari clan sets out to retrive the invaluable document.

The story opens in October of 1624 when the newly appointed Shogun Iemitsu visits the famed Kan-ei temple. On his way the procession is disrupted when a small child runs into the street, a crime punishable by execution. One man steps forward to save her life by putting his on the line. Brave and compassionate Isshin Tasuke has come into the limelight as a hero of legendary proportions. His uncanny resemblance to Shogun Iemitsu will lead to many adventures that formed on of the great series in Japanese cinema. With his intelligence and personality, Tasuke seeks to intervene in the struggle between opposing factions in the Shogun's Ruling Council.


A fox in disguise, Okon, returns the favor to a man who rescued her from a fatal trap.

A friendly rivalry turns into romance for Yukiko, an elite female detective, and a handsome private eye named Mitamura while both are investigating the missing person's case from a wealthy family.

The beautiful daughter of a merchant with a penchant for danger proves to be too much to handle for her worried father. Disguising herself as a man and changing her name, she heads for the capital...

Oshichi, a famous girl detective, takes it upon herself to investigate the murder of a woman which occurs during an event for the festival of Asakusa Shrine. Her investigation leads her into danger as she runs afoul of a high ranking official and his plans to find a hidden treasure.


With the help of famous yakuza Jirocho, brave and quick tempered Eijiro takes revenge on the death of his close friend.

As a result of a superstitious belief that twins bring bad luck to the family, newborn twin princesses are separated. Yukihime, who was sent away to be raised by a yakuza family in Edo, returns home after many years to settle an old score.


The love between young college students Toki and the handsome Takaga is tested when Takaya's parents, who despise Toki's family's geisha house business, intervenes in their relationship.

The Shinsengumi is a special unit of ronin commissioned by the Tokugawa shogunate to counter anti-shogunate activities in Kyoto. A sinister plot to overthrow the shogun is set in motion and Kondo Isami and his fellow samurai must answer the call and expose those behind it.

All is not well in an a small fishing village not far from Edo. Mysterious goings-on are happening at Echigoya’s Red Crane Mansion, and when Young Lord comes to relax he finds no peace until he can unravel the mystery rooted in the past when a beautiful samurai princess prayed for a handsome bridegroom to take her away. When a body turns up on the riverbank it is high time for Young Lord to delve into the case, while avoiding dangerous gangsters who have taken over the town. This is the 7th case that Young Lord is called upon to solve. Leaving only the mystery of who he is and where he came from! As always, Okawa Hashizo plays the role to perfection.

Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.

One of Japanese folklore's most popular characters is brought to life on the silver screen in this terrific version of legendary Demon slaying Peach Boy.


A swordsman must foil a minister's sinister plan to assassinate the shogun.

Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.

A princess in disguise, Oshichi launches an investigation to reveal the truth about the disappearance of young women in Edo.

A young man and a woman are on a mission to protect a mysterious mirror that hides the secrets of a great fortune.

The story is a dramatization of the Japanese folklore legend of Momotaro, the Peach Boy, who with his trusted companions of dog, monkey and pheasant fought against evil in olden times.


The mysterious black hooded man, Kurozukin, helps transport funds raised to fight against the government.

Christ in Bronze is a 1955 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Minoru Shibuya. It was entered into the 1956 Cannes Film Festival.

A fellow member of the company named Hanjiro tells Koharu, an actress in a traveling theatrical troupe, about a keepsake folding fan that his lost love Lady Okyo gave him years ago. It turns out this fan is a precious clan heirloom whose possession, for convoluted reasons, will determine the clan's leadership. Sword-slinging bad guys descend to capture the fan, and Koharu embarks on a road trip to Edo to return the MacGuffin to the rightful hands of Lady Okyo.


This is a paradise of dream and illusion, a country of Raccoon Dogs. The Bat Tribe lives in a neighboring country took a young prince of Raccoon Dogs as a hostage, and try to take a Buddhist saint from the temple by force.

Based on the popular story of the tragic lovers, Onatsu and Seijuro.

Japanese comedy film.

The story of a ghostly thief in Edo who calls himself the fireball guy.

A gripping historical drama that follows the explosive growth of Katsu Kaishu, the hero of the Meiji era, and the interesting human image of his father, Kokichi, who lived for the common people, his neighbors and his children. A film about paternal and maternal love and conjugal love in the creation of mankind, about the healing power of which laughter and tears have. The work that became the last work of the giant star Tsumasaburo Bando.

A comedic retelling of the legend of the loyal 47 ronin.

Carmen falls in love with an artist in this sequel to Carmen Comes Home. The film is noted for being entirely shot with canted (Dutch) camera angles.


A young boy named Chomatsu (Misora Hibari) lives with an old man Denbei near the grounds of Asakusa temple as bell ringers. In their house is an Echigo lion mask, a memento of Chomatsu's deceased father. After several incidents of Echigo lion masks being destroyed in the area, a local kingpin Saheiji shows up at Denbei's demanded he hand over the mask, a request Denbei rejects out of pity for Chomatsu. However, after it is accidentally revealed that the mask contains an important map, Saheiji plots to steal the mask. Chomatsu gets involved after his mother makes a sudden reappearance that sends the boy on a roundabout journey that will reveal the truth about his family.