Siavash Cheraghi Pour

Jahangir’s friends get together for his birthday. The occasion makes them think about their lives and themselves.

The secret of the worldview of dignity is revealed? This mystery of sleep will spit Marsh, Mahro, Goodarz, Bahram, Jahangir Major Pushis. Jahanbakhsh begins a long journey to prove his innocence and the return of tranquility. A journey that will end the life of many of them.


Ghodrat Samadi wants to become a member of parliament, but he has a reputation for recklessness and taking arbitrary action. Deciding his best course of action is negotiating with assorted parties and politicians, none take him seriously until he's connected to a single, notorious incident.


Tala and Ati (Sis) are a mother and daughter who have lived together for many years; almost 50 years, as long as the life of Sis. Their situation, however, does not last long, and the days of separation arrive. The separation happens when Sis depends heavily on her mother due to her special conditions, and Tala is trying to provide security for Atiâ's future in the remaining time; a future without her presence.


A 16 year old girl has come to the hospital to identify the body of her mother. The people in charge at the hospital - due to her young age - won't let her into the morgue. After she insists that most of her family is in jail for criminal activities, they acquiesce...


Lantouri is the name of a gang that mugs people in broad daylight on the streets of Tehran and breaks into homes in the city’s rich northern district. The gang also kidnaps children from families who have become wealthy through corruption and embezzlement of state funds. The film begins with the confessions of individual gang members. Sociologists, human rights activists and political hardliners also have their say. Gang member Pasha runs amok because Maryam, a socially committed, self-confident journalist, does not reciprocate his feelings. The badly injured young woman demands lex talionis – the law, applicable in Iran, of ‘an eye for an eye’.


On an empty road, a man pulls over to give a ride to a hitchhiker holding a wheel but as the stranger approaches the car, the man gets too scared to let him in. Shortly after, while he's dining the hitchhiker gets off a truck recognizing the driver's car and comes in. The driver grabs a knife and ...

A group of students travel to a remote region to participate in a kite-flying event. Next to their camp by the lakeside, they find a restaurant with cooks that treat the students with suspicion. Bizarre events lead to a complicated situation, from which the students cannot escape.
