Sid Raymond

A young gallerist is in love with two sisters at the same time. In order to solve the problem he decides to invent his own twin-brother.


Rebellious teen Amy defies her parents by going to a trashy carnival that has pulled into town. In tow are her boyfriend, Buzz, and their friends Liz and Richie. Thinking it would be fun to spend the night in the campy "Funhouse" horror ride, the teens witness a murder by a deformed worker wearing a mask. Locked in, Amy and her friends must evade the murderous carnival workers and escape before it leaves town the next day.


Katnip teaches his little nephew Kitnip how to catch a mouse. Kitnip goes into Herman's mousehole and gets stuck under a pipe. Herman rescues Kitnip. Instead of being a supposed enemy, Kitnip becomes Herman's friend instead!

Booze, pills and loneliness mark a young actress' rise to stardom.


A compilation of spot gags about tourists from earlier cartoons.

A baseball team in desperate need for a star player drafts a horse.

The last Tommy tortoise/Moe hare cartoon. In this cartoon shows a different design frecuently used by the animation unit headed by Al Eugster, released in 1957 the credits and mpaa certificate are the correct


Unaware that Katnip is the night watchman, Herman takes his three nephews to Paramount Pictures Studios on a sightseeing trip. They sneak in and find fake alligators and a fake King Kong, but a real live Katnip. Herman promises to make Katnip a movie star if he will let them go.

1957 Baby Huey is a big duck enrolled in kindergarten. Despite being big and clumsy, he attempts to fit in, causing havoc and getting expelled by the teacher. His mother then hires a private tutor, who is also tortured by Baby Huey's good intentioned efforts. The tutor winds up in the ocean but Huey saves his life from sharks and gets his diploma as a reward.


A hungry fox disguises himself as Santa Claus, and arms himself with deadly gifts, hoping to make a duck dinner out of Baby Huey.


The story of boxer Rocky Graziano's rise from juvenile delinquent to world champ.


After startling a stork who drops his package, Casper the Friendly Ghost delivers a baby penguin to its parents at the South Pole.


Even dead kids can be a bad influence. Take what happens to Billy for example. Casper the "friendly" ghost takes the slightly awkward little boy under his wing, and before long the two of them are cheating in a local football game.


A woman believes herself to be the reincarnated spirit of an ancient prince's lover. Meanwhile, a murderer turns out to be the reincarnated spirit of the prince himself.


Herman and Katnip in an art school.

Through the use of a Time Machine, Casper the Friendly Ghost gets transported back in time, In the stone-age, Casper frightens cave-men and women. Robert Fulton's steamboat makes a successful first trip when Casper's ghostly form frightens it into action. Casper assists Paul Revere on his famous ride when Revere's horse, frightened by Casper, ceases to balk and breaks into a gallop. George Washington, crossing the Delaware River, is sped up by Casper's appearance, and Casper becomes a hero by besting the British Redcoats.


Singalong about wacky inventions.


Singalong with spot gags about an animal fair.

The cavemen go to the Paramountain Theater.


A singalong with spot gags about vegetables.


Screen Song with spot gags about newsreels (including Paramount's own newsreel division).


Singalong with spot gags about the Mississippi River as it runs from Minneapolis/St. Paul through Davenport and St. Louis down to New Orleans.

Singalong about the discovery of gold in California.

His Mama is the only one who love Baby Huey, an overgrown clumsy ugly duckling. The other Mamas and their broods shun him like the plague and make his little life miserable. But when a ferocious fox attacks the barnyard, Huey comes to the rescue of one and all. Huey is a hero basking in his new-found popularity.


A very tired lion comes to the rest farm operated by Mrs. Jones, a duck, badly in need of a long rest. (No, he doesn't eat Mrs. Jones.) First, Mrs. Duck Jones' goats eat his suitcase, followed by her rest-disturbing mishaps, and then he learns that the old dilapidated building he is in is inhabited by the ghosts of various animals. He departs the premises in a hurry.


"Little Brown Jug" is a short cartoon about various woodland creatures...


A humorous tour of Manhattan concludes with 3 bouncing-ball songs.

Herman, the city-slicker mouse (looking like a cross between James Cagney and Lee Tracy) visits his barn-mice cousins in the country.


A Terrytoons cartoon released 22 October 1947.
