Signhild Björkman

Per is in love with Kerstin. They are high school classmates. In the distance they see teacher Eva Hallström, ph. d. and the headmaster's wife, return home to her home. She is currently a major topic of conversation because she has just published an acclaimed collection of love poems. Everyone is curious about who the young lover of the poems might be.


A new realism depiction of life and work in an old restaurant. A social portrayal of exhausted staff and dubious guests.


Short film directed by Gunnar Skoglund featuring insight into the process of making movies.

Erik Andersson marries Brita Blomstedt. During the wedding party he drinks alcohol which he is not used to. Later that evening Erik is involved in a brawl that end with a policeman getting a knife in the back.


Sonja is a spoiled young lady who thinks she can get anything for money. She is living a life in luxury. One day she meets a lawyer who is a public prosecutor. They fall in love.

The story takes its beginning in 1518 , the Danish King Christian II has taken Sweden. Sten Sture the younger appeal to all loyal subjects to resist. The offer reaches the farmer Mats Waltersson in Dalarna , Sweden's heart and he gathers his men. Dalmas were going from house to house, they do not want a Dane on the throne. At Brännkyrka outside Stockholm is a battle between the Danes and Swedes. Swedes win and the Swedish riksbaneret out during the Battle of Gustav Eriksson Vasa.


Rudolf Carlsson, who works at a department store, dreams of making movies.
