Silke Zertz

A whole year went by before musician Juliane Hansen was able to put her running shoes back on — a year after her partner, Johann König, took his own life. Although her friend Rieke offers all the support she can, Juliane feels lonely and listless. Now, running and panting, she begins to confront her thoughts, which constantly revolve around Johann, and to allow new vitality to enter her life.

Patrick and Julia have an enviable, stable marriage, there is security and inspiration. But no sex. The couple's well-established life structure falls apart when they outsource the deficit with the help of a confident, attractive young woman, who completely underestimates her feelings.

After the fall of the Third Reich, the small town of Tannbach is cruelly divided between East and West regimes and the town’s inhabitants suffer the consequences. A gripping historical drama exploring the devastating effects decades of conflict had on communities from the end of the Second War War to the fall of the Berlin Wall.


Der beliebte Pädagoge Alex Berger (Brandt) steht entgeistert vor seinen Bücherbergen: Eine Schülerin, mit der er Sex hatte,wurde erschlagen am See der brandenburgischen Kleinstadt aufgefunden, nun plant das Kripoteam (Lavinia Wilson, Peter Lerchbaumer) einen Massen-Gentest. Berger beichtet seiner Frau (Corinna Harfouch) den angeblich einmaligen Seitensprung, mit dem Mord habe er aber nichts zu tun. Bergers Familie droht an der Belastung zu zerbrechen… Die Auflösung steht im Hintergrund, der Film konzentriert sich auf das Drama im Hause Berger. Fabelhaft: die dynamische Kamera und das auch in kleinen Rollen nuanciert agierende Ensemble.


For a lifetime, Hedi Ohlsen subordinated her needs to the family. She raised a child, took care of the house and learned the unloved profession of dental assistant for the sake of her husband Johannes. And although John has left her for a younger one, Hedi still cares for her elderly mother-in-law Agnes. As this now blesses the time and Hedi finally wants to start her own life, suddenly her pregnant daughter Leonie is attacking at the door. She has quit, no money and no father for the child Hedi is to raise for her. Is the dream of late freedom back?


Die deutsche Fotojournalistin Katharina macht eine Reportage auf einer texanischen Ranch. Dabei verliebt sie sich - trotz aller Gegensätze - in den Chef-Cowboy. Und er sich in sie. Aber hat die Liebe eine Chance?


A 17 year old boy falls in love with a 37 year old woman. As if this wouldn't be enough they are of different social classes and she is married.


In a bomb explosion in a parking garage, the architect's wife Anna is buried together with the writer Robert. The two seriously injured people are scarcely recovered from the rubble. When Anna falls in love with the charming Robert during a subsequent stay in a rehab clinic, she has to make a heavy heart decision between him and her family. "The love of my life" is a sensitive love melodrama with Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Hannes Jaenicke and Jan Gregor Kremp.
