Silvia Baylé

The series narrates the life of Milagros Vega (Viviana Saccone), an image consultant, publicist and political consultant who needs to reposition herself on the political scene in Argentina, after having promoted a controversial political campaign that ended in the suicide of a candidate who He was the rival of his client, so now he has a new opportunity to redeem himself when he is summoned to launch the candidacy for president of the deputy Andrés Quiroga (Osmar Nuñez), who has a low profile, is not known and lacks charisma, therefore which, Milagros will use all her tools to operate and turn Quiroga into an interesting and recognized figure at any cost.

7 year old Matías returns home from a friend’s birthday party to find his mother, Laura, unconscious on the floor. When she recovers her senses they decide to leave home and rush to a shelter for abused women where they spend 48 hours before Laura decides to rebuild her life somewhere else. Through the eyes of Matías we will discover their escape in a city where everything Matías once knew feels dangerous and foreign until Laura finds a secure place to raise her son.


An incestuous love affair. Meme and Jeremias are the younger children in a typical bourgeois family. Their mother Lucia is the dominant force in the household, but her fixation on upholding the niceties of upper middle class life has prevented her from seeing what is going on under her roof. When the siblings’ older brother and his fiancee arrive home for their wedding, it seems inevitable that the concealment will be impossible to sustain. But equally it becomes apparent that if Lucia were to find out about the affair, there would be catastrophic consequences.


Cristina's life is thrown into turmoil when she is suddenly escorted from her strict Catholic school in Buenos Aires and told that she is really Sofía Lombardi, the daughter of activists who disappeared in the '70s. Questioning everything she once thought true, Cristina embarks on a journey to find her true identity. Meeting others like herself, the young girl soon discovers the real-life horrors of Argentina's relatively recent past and the nightmare that claimed tens of thousands of lives during the country's "dirty war."


Chekhov in contemporary Argentina. Mecha and Gregorio are at their rundown country place near La Ciénaga with their teen children. It's hot. The adults drink constantly; Mecha cuts herself, engendering a trip to the hospital and a visit from her son José. A cousin, Tali, brings her children. The kids are on their own, sunbathing by the filthy pool, dancing in town, running in the hills with shotguns, driving cars without licenses. One of the teen girls loves Isabel, a family servant constantly accused of stealing. Mother and son, son and sisters, teen and Isabel are in each other's beds and bathrooms with a creepy intimacy. With no adults paying attention, who's at risk?


Muñeca Brava is an award-winning Argentine telenovela, produced by Telefe in 1998 - 1999. The television series was broadcast in more than 80 countries over the world, enjoying high ratings. The show was written by Enrique Oscar Torres and directed by Hernán Abrahamnsohn, Gaita Aragona and Víctor Stella First episode was aired in Argentina on 10 October 1998 on channel Telefe The play was filmed mainly in Argentina. Some of the episodes were filmed in Italy and Spain. The programme is known for launching the international career of Natalia Oreiro.
