Simon Frenay

Thirsty one night stands, confused straight boys, rooftop confessions and a ménage-à-trois that explodes with hilarious results - it's all just part of the package in this latest offering of spirited story-telling from our Gallic friends. The short films are: Discreet [Scred] (2017); Distinguished Feelings [Sentiments distingués] (2019); Rue des Roses (2012); First Love [Premier amour] (2021); The Edge [4 fromages] (2019); Without Transition [Sans transition] (2021); Fragile [Babtou fragile] (2021).

Youssou and Malek are in love but they now have to say goodbye. Tomorrow, Youssou is flying off to the other side of the world, leaving behind him Malek and the neighborhood where they grew up. They promised each other to meet at the top of the hill for their last sunset together.

Léto, a young trans and gay man, lives in a small, social housing apartment near Tours. During the day, he kills boredom on his phone from the ticket booth of a movie theater on its last legs. But where he's looking for feelings, he's only offered sex. So at night, he flees disillusionment by heading for the stars. The roof of his high-rise building is like his moped: a refuge, an escape. However, one morning, the parking lot of an ice rink becomes the setting for a life-changing encounter when he comes face to face with Hamza, a solitary employee with an enigmatic charm. The emotional disturbance is immediate. With all due respect to the scoundrels!

A woman and four men who barely know each other find themselves in an apartment in the sky above Paris. They have all been the victim of the same domineering pervert who is locked in a room. That night, they decided to finish it. In turn, they tell each other memories that bind them to this man and enter the room to confront him. But what happens between the monster and them remains their secret.


It is in 1824 Klara Wendel emerges into public life. After confessing 20 murderers, 14 arsons and not less than 1588 thefts, Klara becomes famous all over Europe as the chief of a big robber band.


Shab is a story that revolves around multiple characters' search for happiness and love in a complex, unforgiving, and cold city.


Two young men who live in the same neighborhood run into each other. Their random discussion about what they did last night will take a very unexpected turn.

Théo and Hugo meet in a club and form an immediate bond. Once the desire and elation of this first moment has passed, the two young men, now sober, wander through the empty streets of nocturnal Paris, having to confront the love they sense blossoming between them. Ducastel and Martineau's most ambitious film to date and a candid insight into 21st century life.


Henry and Clement are in a relationship for one month in Paris. The last night before Henry goes back to London, where he studies, Clement comes to his hotel to surprise him. But when he arrives at the door, he hears that Henry is with another man in the room...


Elias is a young French guy who has moved to Barcelona. In his country of origin, he has nobody but his grandmother, whom he hasn't seen for ten years. Unwillingly, he works as a prostitute in order to survive, even if he fears AIDS. The other streetwalkers, who once were his new family, now make him feel irritated and distant, even though one of them is in love with him. The only person he is fond of is a scared young boy who often goes to the parish youth club and is under the supervision of a strict priest. Perhaps that child reminds him of his childhood and has the same insecurities he had. This is what is happening to Elias: he's not satisfied with his present, while his past is a tangle of unsolved problems. What does the future hold for him?
