Simon Lacroix

One night, Benju (Jean Sébastien Courchesne) shows up at the home of his ex-girlfriend Angie (Sophie Desmarais) to tell her about the crazy adventure he's just been through: when he broke into the home of the daughter of Valère Gravel (Richard Fréchette), the president of a large communications company who runs an awful radio station, among other things, he was kidnapped, confined, and beaten.

Toronto, Canada, 1899. William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950) fervently believes that he is destined to become Prime Minister, but to do so he will first have to fight his personal obsessions and overcome the many obstacles he will encounter on his tortuous path to power.


Every time Jonathan Plourde, a 23-year-old designer, falls in love, a strange accident kills his girlfriend. With his friends, he starts looking for a way to get rid of this curse.

Struggling with depression, Louis finds out that his family is planning a prank on him for April Fools' day. Problem is: we're still in March...


Prepare to be entertained ~ in the rudest and most ridiculous way! This unlikeable cast of characters push the limits of good taste in an absurd collection of hyperactive skits that will leave you wondering, Oh no … did they REALLY say that?