Sina Tkotsch

Biopic charting the career of legendary German footballer Franz Beckenbauer who won the World Cup as a player in 1974, and then as the West German team's coach in 1990. Taking place against the backdrop of the stunning global tournaments, the film depicts a man who railed against the rigid structures and outdated rules in football and fought to conduct his private life as he wished, outside of the moral constraints and expectations of the time.

Set in your average suburban town, a young girl suddenly disappears after being in contact with a strange boy on a social networking platform, and after being bullied by her former best friend. Some people in town start to get nervous as the facade of suburban perfection crumbles, lifting the shadow to reveal a monstrous intrigue and an appalling truth...


Tine wants to find her dream boyfriend, but can't find him that easily. Her male best friend enjoys his single life, until they feel attracted to each other.


New York lawyer Alicia Charles is about to get married to smart John when her family of choices, consisting of musician Will and little Linus, thwart her plans. Alicia's mother Jackie appears unexpectedly, with whom Alicia never wanted to have anything to do again. Jackie is looking for reconciliation - and needs Alicia's help as a lawyer. With a motherly look, she realizes that Alicia's heart is not only beating for her fiancee John.


It's summer. One endless, sexy party under the open sky. Tina and her friends are living the dream of a whole generation of decadent Berlin-party-kids. But after one excessive night she's haunted by a mysterious ugly creature in nightmares she has. The only person she talks about her fears to is her psychologist. His advice is to confront her fears and to reach out to the creature. At first Tina refuses but after she hears about her parents' plans to put her in a mental hospital she starts talking to the creature. She slowly realizes that the creature is an incarnation of her fears and that it has the same feelings she does. Afraid of being called a freak she starts hiding the creature in her room. After a while she even gets close to it. It's almost like a relationship with a wild stray animal. For the first time in her life, it almost seems as if Tina has the courage to be herself. But then her parents and her friends see the creature…


A family of a German linguist lives with an indigenous tribe in Papua New Guinea.


Linda is a teenage girl whose own insecurities and frustrations lead her to viciously act out against others. By inviting Linda‘s boyfriend to her birthday party, Susanne unknowingly sets off a chain of horrific events. Is Linda a product of environment and circumstance or was she simply (in her own mother’s words) “born evil”?


Two family owners of important horse stables living faced by old rivalries. When one of them asks the help of a doctor of horses to treat the disorder one of the most outstanding equine, the conflict passes into the field of the personal.


A love connection clicks for Lila when she moves back to Berlin and meets Christopher -- never realizing that she's fallen for a rock star who's signed a contract to remain single for life.


This is the story of 17-year-old Flo and his gang, the Rox. A story of great romance and hard choices. When his brother, the leader of the Rox, gets into trouble, Flo has to decide between the love of his life or his flesh and blood. It's a matter of life and death.


Jessika, a precocious teenage girl with loving parents and a good-natured older sister, is the center of a slightly eccentric family. A series of small events disrupts their delicately balanced ecosystem. Jessika's father loses his job and becomes bored and despondent, while Jessika's mother reenters the workforce and becomes empowered. These events act as catalysts for the slow, painful disintegration of the family, with each member committing shocking acts of alienation and self-destruction. Desperately wanting her family but at the same time desiring her adolescent independence, Jessika struggles to find the best way to restore a balance.


The story opens with Bica, a solvent abusing waif, trying in vain to evade the Romanian police with her infant brother in tow. Separated from her sibling she is taken to Germany, concealed in the trunk of a car. There she is trained as a thief, picking the pockets of strangers to fill those of her patron. One of her victims is the separated father of Milka, a brat with razor sharp tongue. From this unlikely start a friendship forms and Bica gets a glimpse into a world of material security, if not emotional closeness...
