Skeeter Bill Robbins

A cowboy on the run from a posse finds the clothes and ID of a preacher on the trail. He assumes the man's identity, but when he arrives at the nearest town, he rides into the middle of a hanging--and the man who is being hanged knows his real identity.


After Burton kills Dad Mason and makes it look like a suicide, Ace Cooper arrives to investigate. He poses as a coward during the day but at night he becomes the daring Dude Bandit.


Rancher Clint Hale wants to marry Mildred Field, but so does very bad guy gambler Dave Dumont.


Jimmy's uncle gives him 30 days probation on Kirk's ranch to control his temper or lose his inheritance. There he gets tangled up with a gang of robbers whose boss is his rival for Kirk's daughter. With one day left in his probation, they goad him into a fight.

Ben Hall offers $1000 for the wild Devil Horse which Jim Wright and Skeeter capture. While Jim is away, Gil Davis kills Skeeter and takes the horse. The Sheriff then arrests Jim for Skeeter's murder. But unknown to them, an outlaw witnessed the killing


When Peaceful Patton goes to work at the Martini ranch he is mistaken for the notorious outlaw the Hard Hombre. This enables him to force the ranchers to divide up the water rights. But he is in trouble when his mother arrives and exposes the hoax.
