Sławomir Sulej

Marcin, who is struggling to raise his 10-year-old daughter Emi, who lives with a prosthetic hand, receives an order from a client nicknamed EL-2040 on the eve of the premiere of the dance show "Algorithmic", which takes place on the anniversary of his wife's death.

Ogrodowa Street in Lódz - just opposite a crowded shopping center, a state-of-the-art museum and a posh hotel - is where some of the city's poorest live, completely forgotten by the world. A heart-warming and funny portrait of people excluded from the mainstream of social life; people who might be more capable of sacrifice and love than those who pushed them to the sidelines of society.


Three guys (John Cena, Tomasz Karolak, John Frycz) and a beautiful girl (Katarzyna Glinka). Their fate will combine the integration leaving the title that is out of control and become a true Recreational apocalypse. The film integrates ensemble acting team - apart from those in an event attended by Katarzyna Figura, Slawomir Orzechowski, Bartlomiej Topa, Grzegorz Halama, Mariusz Czajka, Robert Gonera, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Jaroslaw Jakimowicz and Miroslaw Zbrojewicz and support their comic performances of African, Eskimo, pair of Norwegians and ... Indian team disco. The sum of all kaców just in front of you!


Year 1968. A young Swedish sailor wakes up next to a woman in Gdansk. The woman's brother will show the sailor to the port. The echoes of history turn into a drama that especially illustrates what a properly need for coffee can lead to.


Bohaterem filmu jest 50-letni biznesmen Tomasz Adamczyk, który chce zrezygnować z prowadzenia interesów w branży winiarskiej i poświęcić się swojej pasji życiowej filozofii. Pomysł ten nie przypada do gustu jego wspólnikowi. Do tego wszystkiego Tomasz ulega wypadkowi i zostaje wzięty jako zakładnik przez miłośników produkowanego przez siebie wina.


Two young people share their lives and homes for two years.


Forty-something Leon is an alcoholic, ex-special forces barely scraping by when he's hired by a mobster to protect his 16 year old daughter. Not only does Leon have to clean up his act, but also handle the romantic advances of his ward and the keen attention of his dangerous employers.


An innocent cab driver is mistaken for a contract killer and imprisoned. Soon, he is sprung by a mob boss who needs "Killer" for a few more jobs.


Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by the New, his fellow-policeman. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
