Sofie Lassen-Kahlke

A brother and a sister are trapped in a chaotic and emotional moment in their life. Through a series of violent acts, they do whatever they can to forget what really hurts inside.


'Familien Jul' is a Danish family film, where Hugo's father hates July Neither elves, men or Christmas gifts can get him in the Christmas mood, and he is most happy when the holidays are over. Nissen Pixy is therefore quite unfortunate as he stays away from the sleigh and left alone at the family Christmas, but fortunately he soon becomes good friends with Hugo. Along with his siblings Hugo tries to save their new friend, but even if no one believes in elves, they are still difficult mighty hard to hide .


The four femme fatales debut show SHOES, HOPE AND LOVE has long since made ​​his mark in modern entertainment history as an unprecedented triumph that imposed both reviewers and 65,000 cheering spectators who just wanted more and more. With the follow up of this year, CITY SINGLES pert 2nd movie maintains the outspoken quartet not only its position as Denmark currently sovereign funniest women in the live recording from Aarhus Concert Hall. There are screwed even higher up the flame - and correspondingly decrease the decency - when sung, swinges, spruttes and svovles loose on everything from stripper poles and clitoral orgasms for incontinence and anusafblegning. seductive show.

In the 1940s war-torn Denmark, the young girl Marie turns 10 ye$ars old. It is celebrated in the parents' bakery shop where she and her cousin Sebastian on 13 years daily work. But the normally sheltered life comes to an end as a group of soldiers storms the shop and take both Marie's father and mother with them. Together with Sebastian, Marie goes out to find her parents. Although the reality gives little chances Marie is hopeful, while Sebastian fears the day he will have to tell her the truth


CitySingler går efter bæltestedet! "Sex and the City" har fundet deres overkvinder – i nyt frækt, satirisk show med 4 supersexede tøser, Vicki Berlin, Anne Louise Hassing, Trine Gadeberg og Sofie Lassen-Kahlke! Showet havde premiere i marts 2010 i Glassalen i Tivoli og turnerede frem til april landet rundt med dette frække og forførende show, et perfekt kvindeligt modstykke til Ørkenens Sønner.

Talented 16-year-old Ruben gets the chance to have what most teenagers want - fame and success. But what are the costs?


I 'Anja og Viktor – I medgang og modgang', den femte Anja og Viktor-film, er parret kommet i pengemangel. De bor sammen med deres lille datter i vennernes ramponerede øvelokale i Sydhavnen, men da kommunens ivrige mand afslører dem i at bruge øvelokalet som bolig, og de nu regulært står på gaden, hvis de ikke skaffer penge til lejligheden, er familien i en presset situation.


Finally, Viktor becomes a fireman, while Anja still do not have the great success of the advertising agency. Fortunately, they have each other and everything is bright as Anja gets a great opportunity at the office while being pregnant. Then Viktor just figure out how to be soft father, understanding man and tough firefighter at once. But how hard can it be?


Zip code 2900 equals wealth, power and beauty. They got it all but what is the price.


In this modern-day western, rumor has it that notorious gangster Frank Lowies hid millions in cash before getting tossed in the slammer. Going on little more than cryptic tattoos on a sexy stripper's body, every gunslinging scoundrel in the desert hot town of Copenhagen is on the hunt, their brows dripping with sweat and blood, and their pistols blazing in unflinchingly graphic showdowns -- but where the hell is the money?


Bully Bob is in love, but it is very difficult to say it. At the same time beautiful Sally interested in making their presence felt. When a sudden, a television crew to town she gets her chance.


Set in the rock'n roll universe of the 1950s, »Cinder Rock'n Rella« is a classic tale, about Mille, who lives with her mum and dreams of becoming a musical star. When they stake all they have on a new milk-shake bar things begin to look up and the local film studios even want a girl to play a leading part that's just up Mille's street. But mum suddenly dies, leaving Mille deep in debt to her evil auntie and cousin, who'd rather be rid of Mille once and for all. Luckily heaven sends a couple of angels and Topper, a good fairy.


Third chapter, out of five, in the story about Anja (Sofie-Lassen Kahlke) and Viktor (Robert Hansen).


No overview found.


Highschool sweethearts Anja and Viktor find themselves in a lesser state of love when Anja graduates and gets a job in the city.


Anja is a beautiful and very well proportioned high school senior... and still a virgin. She insists that she wants her first time to be with a guy, who knows what it's about. Her rich (and arrogant, pretentious and obnoxious) boyfriend Peter serves the purpose, and he's more than willing. In fact, he's pushing forward as much as he can, but Victor, a freshman who has a serious crush on Anja, has other plans. Her first time should definitely not be with this buffoon, and he's ready to take it VERY far!


Torben's father and farmer Jacob make a trade. Jacob gets a gearbox and Torben's father gets peace: Torben must be at farmer Jacob on the farm the rest of his summer holidays. It was Jacob never have done ...! Absolutely terrific Danish family comedy in the best action-style. Wild bass played by Robert Hansen, known from Anja and Viktor films and family Gregersen. Moreover contributes among other Preben Kristensen, Viggo Summer and Dick Kaysø and many more ...
