Sonia Furió

A thirty-something woman fears that life is passing her by and that she's going to end up as the family's 'maiden aunt'. She imagines that somebody in her circle is courting her, and he's too polite to disillusion her. And then...


Brutal working conditions at a mine in Guatemala, where life is cheap. Convicts are allowed to commute their sentence by signing on to work, with the understanding that this work detail will cause them to die young.

The story concerns a young woman named Elena who ascends from rags to riches when she inherits a substantial fortune; having no one else with whom she can share the monies, she invites her best friend, Clara, to move into her home and enjoy the wealth with her. All fares well until Elena falls in love with a male suitor - and thus threatens to jeopardize Clara's place in the household and her share of the spoils. Indignant, Clara vows to do everything in her power to prevent this new romance from blossoming.


Loose-living gal hires two guys to pose as her husband and son for a week, while her sister the nun is visiting.


Gigolo and his girlfriend scam off married women; he seduces them, she photographs them in bed together and blackmails them afterwards. Things eventually go south.


A plane blows up shortly after take-off during the credits. Then flashbacks detail the stories of all the passengers who booked flights on it.


A woman hires four gunmen, Trinidad, Doc, Satan and The Renegade to rob a bank, but things don't work out as planned.


Lawyer and his secretary enter into a midlife marriage, deal with complications coming from their adult children and the former partners of each.


Guatemalan-Mexican film about air hostesses.


Plutarco Satan returns, this time he's pitted against a rival evil organization intent on owning the very formula rumored to turn any metal into gold! Dr. Satan must go toe to toe with the vampiric black magician Yei Lin, in order to keep it out of their hands. The cost of failure? His eternal rest!


Teen-romance comedy with unrelated dramatic subplots.


Secret Organizational Service (S.O.S.) is an international crime syndicate, quite successful with their feminine agents operating under the guise of a fashion model agency led by Lady Bristol and her associate Luigi. The International Service is the governmental secret service decided to put a term to SOS's action. An agent has infiltrated SOS - but she is in danger, after sending a coded message to her supervising Inspector. So, agents Alex Dinamo is to join forces with Adriana, and give the undercover agent a hand.


Three outlaws get arrested, and the fourth tries several times to break them out of jail. Also, there are can-can girls.

A popular singer is suspected of being involved with a notorious drug dealer, el Tiburón (the Shark). Meanwhile, a friend of the singer is recruited by Interpol to find the criminal's real identity.


Widowed farmer remarries so his children will have a mother. But then...


Troubled young man meets his father for the first time.


A couple of provincial gas station employees travel to the capital seeking fortune of vehicle mechanics accidental career passing drivers.


Young woman manipulates all three of the men of the hacienda, planning to marry the father and play with one or both of the young ones.


Monster film and mad doctor spoof.


A busfull of tourists arrives in Acapulco; each passenger has his/her little chunk of drama or comedy.


Mad scientist brings his dead mad scientist grandfather back to life and makes a Frankenstein-type monster out of him.


Family in crisis: the American Dream collapses for four members of a Mexican family in Texas, all at the same time.

Law officer tracks and recaptures escaped convict.


Four young women facing "crises," mostly centered around the crucially-important issue of preserving their virginity in a variety of purity-oath threatening situations.


Frivolous young society woman gains depth and maturity through contact with the director of an orphanage and his wards.

Tin Tan stands in as the double of a kidnapped millionaire.


Cowboy revenge-drama, paired with a love triangle between two Mexican fellers and a rather unpleasant gringa.

By the negligence of parents who not assume their responsibility in sex education, many lives are ruined


Bankrupt millionaire discovers a treasure map belonging to a distant ancestor.


This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.


Nightclub owners cash in on new musical fad.

Spoiled rich kid from a cattle ranch is pretending to study at university so he can hang out in the city and live large... until his family forces him to straighten up his act; he moves back to the ranch, accompanied with some urban-fauna hangers-on,, a-a-a-and...


Three hard-partying cowboys go to Mexico City for one last fling before entering into arranged marriages back home.

A certain young woman won't allow her virtuous reputation to be compromised... until her suitors agree to the price she sets on it. Twist ending.


Cleto, a poor newspaper boy, dreamed of becoming a cyclist and inventor. His latest invention is delivering newspapers by rockets. When he finds the owner of the newspaper, dismisses him. But Cleto do not give up and shows Don Macario his latest invention: " The telemirófono ", a device that allows you to see the person talking on the phone...


Between-engagements troupers at a theatrical boarding-house con a rich acquaintance into financing a show.


Grad student takes a summer gig acting as house mother/chaperone to a group of teenaged girls vacationing at a country villa.


In 1974, the Cine Roble housed the International Film Festival. In this excerpt, the actors Enrique Novi and Sonia Furió offer their opinion on this special event while the public overflows with the passions provoked by the seventh art.