Sonia Sui

Chu Zhi He who's a goodie two shoes and Wang Da Shu who has a personality that is rigid and sturdy like a tree learn to grow together as they fall in love. Like the show's namesake, animal behavior is quite representative of human nature. Take the giraffe and the squirrel for example, they are a metaphor for two very different people who find a way to coexist.


The story of three childhood friends as they navigate through early adulthood together in the city of Shanghai. Three different women, three different love stories – together they grow as individuals through their experiences in love and in sorrow.

A-Gu enlists a group of contract killers in the disguise of laundry service. One of them, code-named "No.1 Qingtian Street", is haunted by the ghosts of his victims. He seeks help from Lin Hsiang, a psychic.


Through a famous painting "South Street Festival", a Taiwanese college boy unexpectedly travels 100 years back in time, back to the 1920's, when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. He is stuck, he panics, he wants to return to 2014 but soon changes his mind, not just because of the prettiest geisha girl in town...


When Zhang Hui is told by long-time best friend Xiao Gong that he has a new girlfriend, she is determined to learn new tricks to gain him back. Based on the novel written by Luo Fuman, "Everyone Loves Tender Women".


Just when everything seemed to go well for Ji An-Lei, a series of unfortunate events happens. Her promotion gets stolen by an outside hire, her boyfriend cheats on her, and she gets an unwanted roommate. When she discovers her new roommate had come all the way from Japan to win the love of his dream girl, who happens to be her boss' daughter and her ex's new girlfriend, she joins forces with him on an "Operation Fighting for Love."


The movie continues the story from the TV series which ended with a cliff hanger where the wife (Sonia Sui) was deciding whether to return to her cheating husband (James Wen) or have a relationship with her boss (Chris Wang). 4 years after the divorce, her cheating husband, Wen Rui Fan, comes back in hopes of re-kindling their love. Will An Zhen return back to him or move on to a new love?


Do you still remember being a 17-year-old ?


Being a mortuary cosmetologist, Min-Hsiu is used to seeing dead bodies until she accidentally spots a female corpse – her high school teacher Miss Chen Ting. Nie Cheng-Fu, Chen Ting’s husband, loves his wife profoundly and tries to find more memories of her with Min-Hsiu’s help. At that point, a detective, Kuo Yung-Ming, senses that the truth behind this case may not be as simple as it seems. Death is not the end of life, but another beginning of it...


After the famous author Xia He Jie crashed the movie premiere that supermodel Amanda attended, he was sentenced to 158 hours of community service at a kindergarten. And thus, it began the most hellish 158 hours of his life. There he met Ma Xiao Qian, a teacher who not only didn't fall for his charming personality like the rest of the female population, she made him suffer for every minute of his community service. What he didn't know was that Xiao Qian was a former neighbor who he had bullied relentlessly as a child. Now, she is bent on revenging for the miserable childhood that she endured under his tyrannical reign.


The Fierce Wife, or The Shrewd Wife in Singapore, is a 2010 Taiwanese drama starring Sonia Sui, Wen Sheng Hao, Chris Wang and Amanda Zhu. It was a TTV and Sanlih E-Television co-presentation, and was directed by Xu Fu Jun. The filming started in October 2010, and was first broadcast on 5 November 2010. It’s been on the air ever since. Before The Fierce Wife was produced, both Sonia Sui and Wen Sheng Hao had acted in two TTV productions, The Year of Happiness and Love and PS Man. The Fierce Wife, The Year of Happiness and Love, and PS Man all feature youth idol. On 9 June 2011, The Fierce Wife, described as “the most talked about TV show in Taiwan,” entered the Japanese market, renamed Does Marriage Guarantee Happiness. It was broadcast on BS Nittele in Chinese with Japanese subtitles, every Thursday at 2300 in high definition, six times as high as in Taiwan. The whole TV series was divided into 34 episodes in Japan, and the DVDs in both Chinese and Japanese went on sale on 20 June 2012. The TV series was a big hit in 2011. “Xiaosan” or “Little Third”, “the other woman” in the story, has become a popular euphemism thanks to the show. Also, merchandise has sold well in Taiwan and abroad. The popular drama was nominated for a number of Golden Bell Awards. Some controversial parts of the story received heated discussion, and the producer Wang Pei Hua decided to make it into a feature movie set four years after the main female character Xie An Zhen get divorced. A press conference to announce the film adaptation The Fierce Wife: The Final Episode, was held on 20 January 2012. The film was released on 17 August 2012.


The Year of Happiness and Love is a 2009 Taiwanese drama starring James Wen and Amber Kuo. It was produced by Sanlih E-Television. The series was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air Taiwan Television from 7 August 2009 to 1 January 2010, every Friday at 22:00 to 23:35 and cable TV Sanlih E-Television on 8 August 2009 to 2 January 2010, every Saturday at 22:30. The show was originally aired with 21 episodes; it was edited to 33 episodes on international channels. The Year of Happiness and Love was nominated in 2010 for four awards at the 45th Golden Bell Awards, including Best Leading Actress in a Television Series for Amber Kuo and Best Leading Actor in a Television Series for James Wen.


Pi Zi and Ying Xiong are two cops who are as different as day and night. One lives a luxurious lifestyle and does nothing but drink coffee and wait for information from dubious sources to crack his cases. Another believes law and justice are the pillars of society and is constantly on the street catching criminals. When a case brings these two top crime solvers together, sparks fly and light begins to creep into the dark corners of Taipei.


Park Seok, the café owner, makes coffee for coffee addicts of all kinds; they include office workers, housewives and his rivals who come to investigate. Day after day, Park Seok serves his customers till late evening. His track records have made him a legend in the coffee business in Taiwan, and since he met Gang Gobi, Park Seok has stopped taking in any more apprentices. Together, the duo embarks on the exploration of coffee. During the journey, they both encounter the love of their lives. In a realistic style and through the characters’ daily lives, Would You Like a Cup of Coffee? leads the audiences to understand and appreciate not only coffee but life.
